국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 30 Aug 2016 18:46 - 8

Good morning everyone, it is I, dk I realize that even now that I am
getting a chance to meet and talk with people Ive never sat down
and talked with and I have to say I am extremely happy and pleased.
I realize that again for some im a stranger and I hope to before we get down
to br tacts I thought I would go extra to inform you of the person who
sits opposite of you in the computer internet land.
First where is my manners a warm beverage before business.
A Warm beverage is just the polite thing to do.

My name is Chris, I am 32, I have a ociates degree in the Applied
Science of Information Technology. My major was multimedia.
I was born in Spokane, Washington and lived there till I was 1 year
old then moved straight to Texas where I currently live.
In both High School and College I took Economics, though
trigonometry was the hardest subject matter for me, but with time
even I can foil... :p (math joke)
Generally in High School I found sociology and computers to be
very interesting subjects that I knew I was going to pursue one
of them. Ill let you guess which one I chose.
I joined eRevollution after joining the radio show, for the sole
purpose of helping Arith out. Little did I know that things were
going to get interesting... I was a kid in a candy store.
Artist Recreation

It was wonderful. There were some dark times ahead though
but nothing that I couldn't shine through. I discovered a solution
to many problems and they began with the letter "T" that would
form the word Transparent, so after installing some windows the
darkness no longer had a place to stay and thus had to leave.
Generally after that things got alot easier trust me on that.
Enough with story time lets talk about the future.
As a old tv show use to say, space the final frontier, well that's all
great and all but eSpace has not really bared any good eFruit.
In eSpace everyone can hear you scream...

Many people hammer on the effectiveness of a eNasa, or eSpace
exploration as a means to bring people to the game.
That's all great and all but its not what its effective at, in fact it is
actually only good for rising local activity levels and only if it is done
correctly. You can eExplore all the eSites in existence but that doesn't
mean people are going to eNavigate to your eGame.
The competition though with prizes is what truly spurs activity.
Secretly this is the only benefit I know of the eNasa and at that point
wouldn't it be more interesting to direct that energy in a different direction?
I am speaking of something a bit bigger I call it eOlympics where parties will
compete in some eGames to take home gold silver or bronze medals.
The eGames will be in and out of eRevollution, that will leave a standing effect
on the game but will be channeled in such a way to also to do good in a local area.
To Educate or not To Educate.

eEducation is a hot topic that everyone mentions but generally in the end
of the day it is always the last thing actually done with.
Well I found the slides both interesting and static, generally I want to add
a giant FAQ to education, these FAQ's being a place to look for exact explanations
or additional information. Generally when someone has a question they have
a question on a specific sub part of something not the ENTIRE SUBJECT, so to
this will help categorize and collect information that will give on demand access
to answers.
Walk Quietly and Carry A BIG STICK!

So lets talk about the Military, my plans here are a bit more simpler,
with changes to the game that well lets just say didn't go our way
a defensive strategy isn't as effective as we hoped, so lets turn that
around to things we can do something about.
Particularly supplies, are there enough, are they being delivered,
should we alter that program. That is part of my new program using
a system called "System Safety" this was a system created by FAA in
real life to help airlines. To explain this is a level of monitoring to ensure
the system is healthy and working like it should.
Now I would hope to put a reward on the system to encourage its effectiveness
but that will have to be determined by congress, or private donations.
The system is built from a collection of surveys that are collected in weekly or bi-weekly
with simple yet effective questions to discover issues that might leave a clink and help
fix it asap.
With that said.
Closing Statement

I fear this article has gone on long enough and while we have more things
to discuss I must hold it for another article, so as to not over burden readers.
Thanks everyone and I appreciate all the support I have been given.
Tricky DickAbraham Lincoln댓글 (8)

o7 keep informing us mate..good article

Now i m beginning to see an actual platform but I d still like to see some more in deph on the programs
Keep up the good work though

Well now that you posted this, time to whip out my article. Wanted to make sure I didn t post first this time 

Hm, sharing your RL info? Think you forgot your address and phone number :p.
Anyways. eOlympics..? From eNasa? Urr. I am not sure what your intention is in this section..
eEducation. You mean those slides in Feds page? And where do you adding those FAQs? Do YOU plan on making those?
And about military. All MUs have their own system. Do you plan on integrating them or something? You also stated Defensive strategy didn t work. You intend on attacking other nations?
Any rewards from the government better be in budget or it ll have to come out of your pocket :[ .

I could write a whole new article about what you asked me but let me take care of the biggest concerns. Are you planning on merging the mu s...
NO, that would be like in real life usa saying your taking everyone s guns away..
Combining MU s pisses people off and generally leads to lesser activity which is
both bad from my experience.
No, outside MU s are exempt from the System Safety, though they may join the program optionally if they desire.
Generally it exists as two surveys, one handed out to troops and another is performed
by the DoD (Lord General) or if that person is busy myself, the DoD s will be different and will be a inspection of Government Military s documentation, this will be compared with the troops to search out for discrepancies. If a private mu decides to join the program the survey done by the Lord General will instead be done by the MU s owner or representative.
When I spoke of a defensive war, I meant the idea of pouring money into platforms that well go away, not a change of war policy that might cause issues with our alliance.
If funds are used for this strategy it would only be in a way that both receives congress s blessing and using methods that are approved by congress.
If there are any other questions or concerns I will do my best to answer them.

Well, I guess you can choose to leave your platform like this... Where it is hard to understand what you aim to accomplish. And I m guessing you are referring to the Defense System at the bottom. GL with Campaign o/. P.S. I m from Texas. 

Oh I will continue the platform no worries I was worried about making it too lengthy,
and making it harder to read.

A piece of criticism: If you don t want to write a too lengthy article about your platform, I d go with writting one small article for each area of government in deph. It will be probably better if you address each point in deph and as clear as possible
Because honestly I had some trouble understanding Safety System until you actually explained it privately to me. This is just an example, take it as it is