Kaltz News Corporation

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 01 Sep 2016 10:29 - 3

Only USD you could find before today was at 1 USD = 0.02g. That is About 1g = 20 USD.
Now with eUSA economic Bill 3.0.0., there are cheaper USD available to all at 1 USD = 0.01g rate. That is at 1g = 10 USD trading ratio.

Offer is posted by Tricky Dick.

Tricky Dick eUS congress member who has been nominated to handle the task of current distribution of USD.
Thank you for your service.

As soon as current POTUS Arith send additional state owned USD to Tricky Dick,
you should be able to privately purchase additional curency at 110 USD per gold but will be limited.
As stated in the bill.

Note, private purchase can be done only if you are eUSA citizen.

USD is safe to invest right now.
Our eCongress IS taking charge of the task.
Participate in the market, and you shouldn't be disappointed.

~Yours Truly, Talesweaver


댓글 (3)

good news o7
Huh. Didn t know I wasn t subscribed. Oh well, it s done now!