국가 Poland - 정책 토론&분석 - 06 Sep 2016 09:22 - 31

PS: for Jean Epsilon I am making a comparison with August voting. Spoiler Alert: It is not much better than September one with average in top15 here being... 10%

- Primo, Jak mocno lacja rózni się od faktycznej mocy (siemasz Ukraino)
- Secundo, Jak niewiele ludzi zdecydowało się dalej grać w tą grę.
- Tertio, Jak Obsługa powiększa sobie ePtaka nie trzymaniem aktualnych informacji.

- Primo, How much lation ranking and current power are different (o Ukraine)
- Secundo, How little people decided to still be active in a game.
- Tertio, How The Staff is enlarging their eBird by not keeping actual stats.
...and at least force the rankings script to count only people, who logged in last 7 days, for example.
SCAMvariola veraThomas GreenRothbartKrisu댓글 (31)



jedino moguce resenje je da ove zemlje koje nemaju predsednika izbaci sa mape

Last suggestion about showing just x days active people in population or in rankings is very good.

vote. How many real germans are in Germany? In last months japan was instead germany. so it is variable

would be great if there were last month number of voters to compare. Great article anyway o7

@Jean, give me couple more minutes to get the data.

Great article o7

hello poland

Salute Phor o7

Latvia had not a CP candidate. Someone forgot to place them. 

good job Phor

Phor, for your information although I am active player (ask Germans, some of them are pissed of coss my posts on the Germans wall
), I didn t vote, although I deserved the right. Some players refuse to be active as the members of party and as the citizens with their vote on the elections. So, your calculations are not complete.

Phor, Ty cykorze, dlaczego wiernie nie przetłumaczyłeś pogrubionego zdania??? ;-)

I didnt voted. Im from eMontenegro

@Shisui - still, it resembles about 95%-99% of the community. I do not think that group of players who refused to vote is larger than 100 people.

Voted to discuss. Vote limiting is good decision for me

Norway o /

Latvia and other countries no vote? It seems like someone wants to boycott the new voting system.

I forgot to vote lol

Good job

You right Phor. Also, there are some developed multi accounts, made by professional players, used as the vote machine, Trol tools and place where to invest public gold and sell it for the RL money. Maybe admin allows selling accounts for the some %? It is a public secret that players sells and buy accounts in the game.

dmg requirement was to high what is turned out now for most of players not only for vote-bots .

@TopSecret - It depends of a country. I am writing a second part of this article with August comparison. There are a countries, which had more votes in September (so when the voting requirement exsts) than in August

What do you see now? A lot of türkish bot what is just work for pocket money

+ 1
and at least force the rankings to count only people, who logged in last 7 days, for example.
