
국가 Australia - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 11 Sep 2016 21:50 - 7

Greetings to all Australia citizen

This is my very first article, asplayer and as MoFA Australia. In the past days, our CP Julliard ask me to send
diplomatic message to our MPP : Taiwan and UK. We told them that we are grateful
for our relation so far, and we hope we can strengthen the friendship with
them. They give positive respond, by telling that they also want the same thing
with us. Considering the MPP will expire in 2 and 9 days, I hope the President
and Congress of Australia take initiative to renewing the MPP with those 2

We also contact some countries : New Zealand, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria and China. We try to convince them that
Australia community is growing well, and of course, we hope we can create MPP, at
least with 1 or 2 of them. Not all them send reply, but the first three
countries also give a good respond, especially our neighbour New Zealand. CP of
New Zealand are glad to hear our progress and wished for intense communication
between the two countries about a project. Hopefully this will strenghtening relationship with NZ.

And yes, we also contact Indonesia. CP of Indonesia told me that there is no plan
to release another region of Australia in near time. But since there is new
event XII Challange (11-20 Sept), I convince him to give us a chance to get TP Medals.
He can understand, and then he open RW in Victoria by himself, with bottomline
that Indonesia will fight hard to defend it.
That is all I can tell you for now. Hopefully we can improve our international
relationship. And don’t forget to sub my newspaper.
MoFA of Australia




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wow, fu...ra...fu...ra...(hypnotized)
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