국가 Paraguay - 정책 토론&분석 - 16 Sep 2016 05:50 - 6
Queridos Ciudadanos y Ciudadanas de bien
Primero que nada quisiera agradecer a todos los que apoyaron mi candidatura al Congreso. Yo representaré a la minoría que no tiene miedo de decir la verdad, a esa minoría que no le importa la opinión internacional, sólo la verdad.
He ganado por amplia mayoría, con la cantidad increíble de 1 voto!! Y claro, yo voté por mí mismo. Todos los candidatos entraron al congreso, con excepción de Aratiri y Bruno Stachel que no tuvieron ni un voto. Así que ahora tenemos 21 congresistas.

La verdad, que cuando me candidaté hace varios días, no creí que fuera a ganar, además que cuando me uní al partido no había otro, y no me quedaba de otra. Así, que ahora que soy Congresista, anuncio mi renuncia al Partido Imperial de Paraguay y al Ejercito Paraguayo, para unirme a OPNA. Espero fervientemente poder utilizar el uniforme de OPNA, que es el movimiento opositor al actual gobierno. No tengo nada en contra del actual gobierno, haber aceptado regalar la mitad de las regiones nuestro país para evitar una exterminación creo que fue una idea correcta. Pero siempre criticaré duramente el procedimiento por el cual MDP realizó sus acciones, de manera muy informal.

También quisiera agradecer a mis hábidos lectores por haber hecho realidad mi sueño de llegar a Noticia Destacada con mi noticia escrachando al Supremo Comandante de MDP. Mis publicaciones han surtido efecto, y lograron crear "tumulto" en la reunión de MDP, demostrando la actual decadencia en su organización, muy por debajo a como era hace dos meses. Espero haber dejado un precedente y el roleplay de la organización se tome más en serio.

Mi próximo objetivo es crear un partido político religioso, o convertir al OPNA en el partido político religioso y evangelizar a nuestros ciudadanos.
Dear good citizens!
First of all I would like to thank everyone who supported my candidacy for Congress. I will represent the minority who is not afraid to tell the truth, that minority that does not care about international opinion, the just the truth.
I won by a large majority, with the incredible amount of 1 vote !! And of course, I voted for myself. All candidates entered the congress,
except Aratiri and Bruno Stachel who did not have even a vote. So now we have 21 congressmen.

The truth is that when I candidate several days ago, I did not think I would win, besides when I joined the party there was no another, and I had no other. So, now I'm Congressman, I announce my resignation from the Imperial Party of Paraguay and the Paraguayan Army, to join OPNA. I fervently hope to use the uniform OPNA, which is the opposition movement to the current government. I have nothing against the current government, accepting give away half of the regions of our country to prevent an exit from MDP and extermination I think it was the right idea. But always I criticize harshly the procedure by which MDP made their actions very informally.

I would also like to thank my readers for making my dream come true to reach my news to TOP NEWS with my attack to the Supreme Commander of MDP. My publications have taken effect, and succeeded in creating "turmoil" at the last night meeting of MDP, demonstrating the current decline in its organization, far below to what it was two months ago. I hope I have made a precedent and the roleplay of the organization will be taken more seriously in the future.

My next goal is to create a religious political party, or convert to OPNA in the religious political party and evangelize our citizens
ECLIPSE TRANSLATE(translated by Blackfury)
Dear good pets!
Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet .
Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pete bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pete .

Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet.

Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet.

Nobody loves you Bolivia, that is the reason you are not in any alliance and you are a pet.
Congresista opositor FranConejo
Día 250 - 16/09/2016
El Roedor - Duodécima Edición
Primero que nada quisiera agradecer a todos los que apoyaron mi candidatura al Congreso. Yo representaré a la minoría que no tiene miedo de decir la verdad, a esa minoría que no le importa la opinión internacional, sólo la verdad.

He ganado por amplia mayoría, con la cantidad increíble de 1 voto!! Y claro, yo voté por mí mismo. Todos los candidatos entraron al congreso, con excepción de Aratiri y Bruno Stachel que no tuvieron ni un voto. Así que ahora tenemos 21 congresistas.

La verdad, que cuando me candidaté hace varios días, no creí que fuera a ganar, además que cuando me uní al partido no había otro, y no me quedaba de otra. Así, que ahora que soy Congresista, anuncio mi renuncia al Partido Imperial de Paraguay y al Ejercito Paraguayo, para unirme a OPNA. Espero fervientemente poder utilizar el uniforme de OPNA, que es el movimiento opositor al actual gobierno. No tengo nada en contra del actual gobierno, haber aceptado regalar la mitad de las regiones nuestro país para evitar una exterminación creo que fue una idea correcta. Pero siempre criticaré duramente el procedimiento por el cual MDP realizó sus acciones, de manera muy informal.

También quisiera agradecer a mis hábidos lectores por haber hecho realidad mi sueño de llegar a Noticia Destacada con mi noticia escrachando al Supremo Comandante de MDP. Mis publicaciones han surtido efecto, y lograron crear "tumulto" en la reunión de MDP, demostrando la actual decadencia en su organización, muy por debajo a como era hace dos meses. Espero haber dejado un precedente y el roleplay de la organización se tome más en serio.

Mi próximo objetivo es crear un partido político religioso, o convertir al OPNA en el partido político religioso y evangelizar a nuestros ciudadanos.
Dear good citizens!
First of all I would like to thank everyone who supported my candidacy for Congress. I will represent the minority who is not afraid to tell the truth, that minority that does not care about international opinion, the just the truth.

I won by a large majority, with the incredible amount of 1 vote !! And of course, I voted for myself. All candidates entered the congress,
except Aratiri and Bruno Stachel who did not have even a vote. So now we have 21 congressmen.

The truth is that when I candidate several days ago, I did not think I would win, besides when I joined the party there was no another, and I had no other. So, now I'm Congressman, I announce my resignation from the Imperial Party of Paraguay and the Paraguayan Army, to join OPNA. I fervently hope to use the uniform OPNA, which is the opposition movement to the current government. I have nothing against the current government, accepting give away half of the regions of our country to prevent an exit from MDP and extermination I think it was the right idea. But always I criticize harshly the procedure by which MDP made their actions very informally.

I would also like to thank my readers for making my dream come true to reach my news to TOP NEWS with my attack to the Supreme Commander of MDP. My publications have taken effect, and succeeded in creating "turmoil" at the last night meeting of MDP, demonstrating the current decline in its organization, far below to what it was two months ago. I hope I have made a precedent and the roleplay of the organization will be taken more seriously in the future.

My next goal is to create a religious political party, or convert to OPNA in the religious political party and evangelize our citizens
Dear good pets!
Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet .

Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pete bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pete .

Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet.

Bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet bolivia is our pet.

Nobody loves you Bolivia, that is the reason you are not in any alliance and you are a pet.
Congresista opositor FranConejo
Día 250 - 16/09/2016
El Roedor - Duodécima Edición