Breaking News

국가 Indonesia - 정책 토론&분석 - 16 Sep 2016 10:16 - 12
Greetings to all citizens,

We are glad to announce that meetings between Indonesia, Paraguay , Chile and Argentina have been concluded and hereby we present the details of NAP agreement as per below

Terms and Conditions:
1- Argentina cannot declare war on members in MDP.
2- Chile and members of MDP cannot declare war on Argentina.
3. Argentina will rent Zona Austral and Zona Sur from Chile for the price of 50G for each region per month and Zona Central will be returned to Chile.
4. Indonesia will hold all regions in New Zealand and will return 1 region to New Zealand which Argentina is not allowed to atk. 
5. Indonesia will return Eastern Cape to Argentina. Argentina will hold 3 regions in South Africa which are Northern Cape , Western Cape and Eastern Cape. The rest of region are still under Indonesia. 
6. Any countries which involve in this NAP are not allow to help in RW which can lead to lose of region mention above. In case of this happen, the mention country can take back the region.
7- The agreement will be valid until erev day 310  and a meeting will be schedule again if parties involve would like to prolong the NAP. 

Heads of State:
President of Indonesia -  Mr XYZ
President of Paraguay - HCorben
President of Chile - TheCrow
President of Argentina - Apoka

MDP Headquarters
Supreme Commander - Abraham Lincoln

Thank you




댓글 (12)

Signed - CP of Indonesia
Signed - CP of Argentina
Signed - CP of Chile
Signed - Supreme Commander of MDP
Signed - SoFA of MDP
Signed - CP of Paraguay
WITNESS (in this article)- a Congress Member of Indonesia
tumben catebury g di kasih tak tung tak tung
yah udahan perangnya Sad