2gether We R Able

국가 France - 재정 사업 - 30 Sep 2016 15:24 - 11


Hello guys,

Let me to show my ideas about discount. I will need as much gold as its possible. Now, I will do a little interview to myself, so all will be able to understand everything and WHY you have to invest in me :)

What I will do with these gold? 
I will invest them in Q5 helis

Why you will invest in Q5 helis?
Because I will be able to win more and, of course to pay profits to all.

How much we should invest in you?
As much as you want. But if you invest more, of course you will win more.

Why we have to invest in you?
Because I am sure that I offer the higest profits in there.

Can you tell me your profits?
As I told you earlier, if you invest more, you will get more ;)
If you give 50g - 99g you will get 15g over
If you give 100g - 200g you will get 50g over
If you give 300g - 400g you will get 100g over
If you give 500g - 600g you will get 150-200g over
If you give 700g - 900g- you will get 250g over
If you give 1k - you will get 300 over and etc.

I will pay every week till you reach your profit

How I can know that you will return it back?
I understamd from companies and i have employeers who will work for me. I have a big experience in economy because I have been MoFa over 4 years (from other games) and I know what I have to do and how I can win easily and effective.

When my profit will be payed back?
There are 3 ways to get your profit back.
1- If you gave under 500 gold, you can get it after 1 week from discount.
2- If you gave over 500 gold, you can get it back after 1 week from discount.
3- You can be paid every week once time (4 TIMES) and reach fully your profit.

How we can trust that you wont scam us?
As you see, I have a nice profile and I described everything. I will write now who donatedm how much and what kind of payement ( back ) he chose!

DRoN donated 150 gold - will be paid 200 gold back!
Savoff donated 600 gold - will be paid 750 gold back!
LevskiSofia donated 50 gold - will be paid 65 gold back!
treuscu donated 200 gold - will be paid 150 gold back + ( helis for amount of 100g) /The client wanted to be paid at this way!
Marinow  donated 50 gold - will be paid 65 gold back!



keykubaTRGuepotreuscuJohannes Erwin Eugen Rommel

댓글 (11)

500 gold you get a company of helis I will explain how Smile MP me
So, if someone invests 500 Gold, a week after the discount ends they will receive their first weekly payment of 162.5 Gold (roughly), followed by three more similar payments over the following month?
30% kamata?
50 gold send
FR: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syst%C3%A8me_de_Ponzi EN: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme
that seems like my CHC ^^ nice to see player doing this but you need to correct something: you are not the most profitable Smile CHC is the more profitable in the eWord, 1. we give profits of 40g per 100 per mounth for life Wink
Actually your are asking for loans. So same as CHC except you pay back profit once only. For same investment, CHC propose same profit but every month till you stay investor. For 1 year it means investing in CHC is x12 times more profitable... I precise i m an individual competitor of CHC. But CHC is a good and fair business
Imagine you invest 480g, price of HQ5 with discount. Hq5 daily profit can reach 10g. So to return 30 % profits + initial investment (624g = 480g+144g) takes 62 days or 2 months. If you invest 480g in CHC you get 2×40×4.8=368g in profit for 2 months. So investment+profit=848g, so 200g more.
I want to take a BIG part in economy and I hope to find someone who can be my partner and do together staffs.
s106 v32