The Austrian Times

국가 Italy - 정책 토론&분석 - 11 Oct 2016 20:33 - 62

Be Honest
If you were a country surrounded by enemies, But with the strongest alliance the game can give to you, what would you do?

1) Stay calm and do nothing? No, You wouldn't win anything.
2) Declare war and Expand even if your allies don't want to? No. You would risk their protection.
But what if.. we played both sides to do as we wish?

It is obvious we are here for the third one.

Consider this, a "Wiki-Leak", Let's call it "The True causes of the Spanish War".

As the public recall, the reason of why the Spanish-Portuguese war started was because the Spanish Government, lead by Galaico36, refused to continue a NAP Signed by MDP and Spain on which Portugal rented a few of Spain's territories, Specially Castilla y Leon, Basque county and Rioja.  Portugal, Completing the deal of the NAP. Returned the territories, but as soon as the territories were given back, They declared war to Spain to force Spain to sign the deal again and recover those territories. That's how the war started.

However, The war suddenly became a "Ping-Pong war" in which neither Spain nor Portugal and his Ally the United States, which at the time had already joined Portugal, had advanced through enemy territory. This was becoming a war of wasting the other's resources, and both governments started to see this.

What you didn't know thought, was that there was plenty of times on which the governments of Spain and the Involved MDP Countries (Portugal, Mexico, USA and Somehow Italy) started negotiations for peace, that all ended up in "failure".

One of this was a pretty nice NAP Deal, that would end the war with a Real Benefit for all countries involved. I Will tell you the following details of this peace proposal:

*Portugal would get Castilla y Leon, Basque County and Rioja.
*Spain would get Algrave, Sardinia, Sicily and
*Italy would get Carinthia.

This ured Portugal of gaining back the resources they wanted without Spain losing the Aluminum and Deer, and Italy wouldn't lose any resource either. This plan was a way to satisfy all the needs of the countries involved... But it never happened.

You know why? No, it was not Portugal. Italy Rejected the Deal.

Their public reason was that they did not want an enemy so close from the border.. But that's far from the truth.

And now i present to you, the real belligerent of this war: The Italian Republic, and to be more specific, "IL_Mario".

"IL_Mario" Had been friends with Spain for the past 2 Months, Trying to gain a benefit of a "Double Agent Country" or what is usually known for: Playing for both sides.

Italy had been planning with the Spanish President Galaico to Switch sides on the war, to join what is known as the "Invictus Alliance"

Here's my first proof:

This image depicts an Italy that is using his Alliance, "MDP" for it's own sake. It is possible that, had Italy been in a more friendly position, Italy would've switched sides at any given time. They only stay on MDP because otherwise they would die at the hands of Croatia or Serbia...

Do you have any doubts? Here's a more specific image:

And this is the kicker...

Ladies and gentlemen, the president and founder of Italy: Il_Mario.

Of course, they were also afraid of joining Invictus, Croatia hates them and they know that if they joined Invictus, France would erase them, and if they left MDP, Croatia would Erase them. However, they still wanted the best from both worlds.

I do not believe this is the job of a single man. Don't you think those statements would be done by one guy and a government unaware of it's actions? i doubt it, Italy must have knew about it, And my reason its simple:

If the government of Italy didn't knew about it, Italy wouldn't have declared war on Spain.

Why do i say this? and how do i back it up?, With a last image, of course:

The importance of this picture is huge, Italy here show's their true face. They told Spain that they wanted to attack and erase them so that Portugal and USA didn't win any territories in the war in a NAP he wanted to put in place that would give Spain all cores except the Aluminum and Balearic Islands.

How Dirty of Italy to do such planning against their allies, against their allies wishes, for the greed of an Italian expansion... And with this i'll leave a last note:

Italy ended up also betraying Spain, Joining the attack of the 4 MDP Countries for it's own benefit.  What's more funny about this is that MDP Didn't want Italy to join the war, they just did.

Isn't that nice? If MDP Loses Italy can say they were helping Spain keep their cores with a plan. If MDP Wins Italy get's to keep Balearic islands and the Aluminum. a Win-Win Situation at the expense of those who believe in Italy.

With this, i am exposing the true Villain, the true culprits of this war that is becoming faster and faster into a new World War. It's this what MDP is comprised of? Countries with fear of being annexed?

I'll leave it all to your opinion.

This article was written by: Alejandro Madrid.


BryceKelleyTHE ONELegoLeonKovotoValiantinaNoToishegitrevarotEl Tarlogirao518

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Voted for the Truth!
Pole for the Truth!
This is some fine investigative reporting. Well done! You have my vote. o/
omg, mind blown and subbed.
voted for friendship ~
Voted for the Truth!
This was written by Alejandro Madird, just posted by me Laugh. Spread the WORD
nothing wrong with trying to put your country in a win-win situation, it would be poor leadership to do otherwise.
voted for friendship ~
Menos mal que al tipo lo corrieron del puesto :l pero ni pedo~
Ahhh, Il Mario. Hasnt changed a bit.
whoa man, look at that Italian playing both sides like ping-pong LOL
questo è veramente triste...
That poor English by Il noobio Cheeky
Very well written article!
Great job! o7
una pena
che bugiardo
Hail il Mario others go home to cry
We do not generalize, you do not write that it is Italy that does this, it s a bunch of people who do not even communicate with the Italians their decisions. You can easily see if there have ever been articles on Italian politics, nothing. I do not even vote in elections to these people for months.
And the RW drama showed up when the NAP was rejeted by Italy so Spain would be the bad guy and MDP the good one. Well MDP guys let s keep spaming that fake propaganda about the ceasefire fault, etc etc, noone would believe you Laugh. Thank for write it. Good job.
@valiantina sei una delusione :/ noi ci facciamo il culo per dare il meglio all italia ed è al 90% merito di mario se oggi siamo una nazione libera in crescita e nell alleanza piu forte. gli articoli li avrete quando tutta questa storia sarà conclusa!. cmq dato che hai preso le distanze in questo modo penoso con me hai chiuso ciao
I cannot believe it!! This is the first time that Ilaty do this AGAIN xD
@maro ma chi se ne frega di aver chiuso, poi sono libera di prendere le distanze quanto voglio e da chi voglio e non ho mai fatto mistero che fossi in disaccordo quindi di che parliamo? Gli screen sono tutti qui, facciamo la solita figura di tenere i piedi in più scarpe io non ci sto perchè non tutti gli italiani sono arrivisti, tu sguazzaci pure. ciao.
@valiantina povera ingenuotta Smile se ci fossimo arresi alla spagna senza combattere ci sarebbe stata la rivolta popolare e tu a guidarla, nn aspetti nemmeno una replica perchè vuoi solo criticare.
it/s so unprofessional to publish private messages puf. do not support an article
@maro maro maro, mi fai una guerrafondaia? la mancanza di articoli (su alleanze e politica) e la mancanza di democrazia in questo caso sono evidenti. non è forse questo il problema principale per cui stiamo discutendo? credo che proveniamo dallo stesso gioco, no? si faceva informazione sulle alleanze e se nel caso si pensava ad entrare in una alleanza un referendum. ma tu che ne sai di me? se mi sbagliassi sono pronta a scusarmi.
@no lo sono io perchè nn mi faccio prendere in giro! (parlo di mdp) ti è già stato detto che molti hanno impegni in rl ed è già tanto stare in chat tutto il giorno a combattere con questi, ci vuole tempo a scrivere articoli cosa credi? anche se sono daccordo che ci vorrebbero
1)no one country was never forced to give at our enemies Is own core From mdp until today 2) You miss that spain want Calabria and basilicata too so the number of our core was 4 and really near our important regions like Apulia and Toscana 3) we dont want to fall in this War for the alliance 4) this article removed cos of the private messages like mine Was removed so @biskvit what game are you playing?
@ma guarda che lo so. hai idea delle cazziate nell altro gioco se non c era informazione? dovresti pure saperlo che era un obbligo farla rl o non rl se no saltavi o ti saltavano i nervi per quanto rompevano, ma era giusto e mai più di ora lo capisco anche se ai tempi sbuffavo. ecco i risultati: un articolo probabilmente che mostra solo parte di ciò che è stato, uno sput********* per la nazione agli occhi di altri paesi e la cosa bella è che discutiamo io e te, ma forse in primis non dovresti replicare a me (ne avremmo avuto tempo) ma a chi ha scritto l articolo.
we forced in a war that ruined a good relations with spain in change of what? loosing south italy? we asked to give regions to porto: answer: no. we asked for a little symbolic refund answer: no. well thanks a lot
V+S. I didnt know that
@ valiantina ti ho già spiegato che chi fa critica sterile senza fare nulla per migliorare ne come idee ne con i fatti é una persona piccola e tu sei minuscola,salti fuori ogni morte di lapa per dire fa tutto schifo e poi te ne torni a grattarti la bagigia,c é gente iscritta mesi dopo di te che non avrebbe mai scritto ciò e questo perché loro sono informati essendo interessati ad esserlo,al contrario tuo,é vero che manca gente che sciva articoli,vuoi farlo tu?
voted o7
@gibe eccoti, mi sembrava strano non leggerti. invece di scaricare applicazioni idiote per presa visione di ciò che decidete visto che non si può essere in disaccordo e piuttosto che aiutare gente ignorante come te preferisco grattarmi la bagigia Laugh l informazione è compito vostro comunque non degli altri e le critiche non sono mai sterili, impara l umiltà mio caro fra-quarzo da velletri
Il Mario is a little Rat!
So low to release screenshots like this. You are the person that shouldnt be trusted. Well done Mario. Well played
Thank you everyone for your Support. To everyone that says that Posting the Screenshots is bad. To most of you, if it doesn t have concise and precise evidence, things are false; Thus not showing them would make my Article invalid. To @Valiantina: IL_Mario is the founder and was at the time President of Italy. I Understand he s no longer President, but considering the Last elections were the CP and Mario was still on the Cabinet, it makes me believe he was part of the new government aswell. Honestly, Most Italians are innocent, but there is clearly a selected few involved on this, not only Mario.
It has been MDP has filed a false NAP before removing it, 4 Vs1 + Lies = 5 vs 1
Vish muita treta, vish!
Italy should pay a fine in gold. Let s say 1000 gold
bla bla bla Very good but the war continues...
i just cant talk for whole france but i dont think that france is a danger for italy... milti cara and some other damage spenders are in russia... i nearly just hit in defensive battles or battles for other countries wich try to get back their cores... well and last but not least i doubt that that much french big tanks can be motivated for a war against italy... you have seen it against croatia... it was a useless war and noone wanted to hit serious...
Interesting.This is real strategic policy and since the Roman Empire Italians are masters of it.What do then?denounce the scheme and let us Barbarians all together atack Rome Smile
Well, that s politics, everybody isn t a kind little guy and the world is not black and white
I Couldn t have said it better @DaltonicD. And Quite indeed @RAF, Specially when you are with an Alliance of such influence like MDP, Italy as a member was covered from the sides they were afraid off. Such as Albania covering the Montenegrin Coast and Poland being Nearby Croatia, and France huge presence should ve been a Relief and not a Threat.
Justice for Spain ! v.
Interesting article
no entendi un carajo :/
alejandro you post only you need , see you
Tricky Dick +1 yes, he is a little rat
Shots fired
it s poor and ugly to announce private messages
it depend DRoN. There are private messages between players, and diplomatic relationship. This are poltic facts, not pvt messages
stop annoying us @alejandro madrid, you just a troll!
Lol @maro your just salty cause Italy is full of dirty scum leaders.