국가 Georgia - 재정 사업 - 14 Oct 2016 10:07 - 40

Hi! Welcome to my "Market Analysis" series, where I present you with the average prices, industry bonuses and a lot more!
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Food is around 1700e=1g, even though we are in a X2 Energy Weekend Event. Crazy!
Helis have stabilized between 0,063 and 0,065
Houses are now slightly more expensive. HRM=0,0005G Taiwan paradise dissapeared :(
Salaries are unchanged.

1700 energy, per Gold
FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,00065

Q1 Helis = 0,025
Q2 Helis = 0,030
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,035 - 0,040
Q4 Helis = 0,055
Q5 Helis = 0,062 - 0,065
WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,00055 - 0,00070

Q1 = 3,3 - 3,5
Q2 = 3,8 - 4,0
Q3 = 5,0
Q4 = 8,5
Q5 = 10,0
HRM - House Raw Material = 0,0007

Per work = 1,2

example: I have industry on Food & Houses so I travel to Germany/Poland/Greece, but if I stopped using houses, I would go to Japan or Mexico.

INFO - Weekly Event Rewards

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.
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【SELLING】Q5 HELIS: 0,063g ... Q1 HOUSES: 3,4g

Thanks again! Really useful articles mate. o7


o7 great article


Thx @arualex o7

great article

selling 10k eneregy (2500Q2) 5.4 gold

Hungary tax is 0.018and Mexico is 0.015. South Corea tax is 0.018

q3 helis 4.5

Posted in Georgia.. nice 


Q5 Helis = 0,065 - 0,070 ???
i can t even sell my stock at 0.061 

LOL forgot to change @LeTunisien xD

Guy, Mexico now has 0.005 exchange rate 

Thx @nime and @Lalo292. Both corrected, and Bulgaria added, as a consequence to hungary s CC increase

Brazil has 100% weapon bonus for 0.018 also as Bulgaria and Hungary.

@NieltonCFP editado amigo o7

Im a simple man, i see a DaltonicD article and i press vote, gj dude


@Ragn0: x2... I dont even read. Just like. Sometimes support. Simple man is simple.


mexico has no longer 100% bonus on food


Edited @BajPesh, I think SK is the best now, but 100% food countries with 0,018 or less, pls say so, I think there are some.

【SELLING】Q5 HELIS: 0,062g ... Q1 HOUSES: 3,5g .....................................
【MARKET ANALYSIS】https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/16261

the best salary in Czech job market 1,5 Gold or 300 czk // 2x work - 3 Gold

Love this guy 

https://www.erevollution.com/tr/newspaper/3419 sub my newspaper pls

Selling q5 house 10 gold. Just send gold. Discount if buy more


I tried to do a heart but eRev didnt let me
here it is:

Can t 

Turkey is come back 

The monster ^^

Good job o7