국가 Russia - 정책 토론&분석 - 18 Oct 2016 14:47 - 50

The Leningrad Issue (Vidéo)
Tutorial for Beginners (in Russian)
Discord of Russia : https://discord.gg/Nma7rFr
GreyRAF904ViracochaGovernadorrad88BelegurBelegurUrzaelno0bsailbotMiuraGoDFaTHeRGoDFaTHeRGoDFaTHeRGoDFaTHeRGovernadorGovernadorShiroAdminAdminZE BUNDAArthur MorganArthur MorganFlamby_orkanorkanSrLukorkanorkanSrLukSrLukSrLukSrLukSrLuksrb1n96SrLukIgotU댓글 (50)

Nicely presented. It s been interesting to watch things develop Russia. I m sure you ll get back on the map on a more permanent basis eventually.

wow great article . hail georgia xd

Bon article comme d hab !

before:russia was not deleted, after:russia deleted 

That was a really long read, but great content nonetheless.

Bravo o/

@Wilfie @Mushvan @Dorian Grey @Srdjan M : Thank you. / @Thomas Killah : Thank you, you can read just the english part
/ @rezaderaz : No / @Walen : Thank you. Corrected. 

To be honest your articles are best in game.


Very nice article


Fantastic work. Sad to see you on the opposing side :/

+1 Izanagi


hyper looooooong mais super taff 

I like the way how you present this article to us, for me, this is the best article for now.
keep your good work 

@LukasPim @JeFke @Izanagi @HCorben @spitfireYG : ❤ / @Aveun @Restive @Urzael @Pratino @Claementael @Miura : Thank you ! Glad you like it!

Why isn t France helping you?

ру вариант не такой вырвиглазный как предыдущие выпуски, но еще есть над чем работать :Р

Izanagi +1 (x2)

Well this newspapers always make my coffee taste better in the morning,hope so other journalist and countries will learn from you guys. Shiro has spoken.

Bonne article ❤

Keep it up o7

i can t see it but vote 

Great article o7

Really nice article.... Carry on writing this kind of articles, I read them always with a great pleasure o7

J aime bien vos articles continuer !!

Salut, j apprécie vos articles! Cependant, je ne suis pas d accord pour le 5v1 en Espagne, l Espagne a aussi d autres alliés tout comme le camp opposé 

Ihre Zeitung ist schön . o7 /S

Good Luck friend o/

Belgium us UNI?
What is that?

the alliances are wrong. Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru and Denmark are trial members of Invictus. Argentina and Russia is cooperative to Invictus. On the other hand there are missing on MDP side, cooperative and hidden members like France, FYROM, Georgia, Lithuania, Sweden and Latvia. Also there is no Eclipse. The only members of Eclipse that have remained neutral are SK and India

@Ktab : For Eclipse is not the same position than you, Wallen confirmed all others members.
For MDP, yes i know for France and Sweden, for the next article i will add pro category. For Invictus, ok i had see old article, who wrote than Bolivia, Venezuela and Peru are in Invictus, but ok, thank you for updating.
/ @Shiro @Azzazel @Mladencho @Variola vera @Tanki @Darnsko @PolarB3ar @Navid N2 @John Wick : Thank you very much !!
/ @toofan95 : Why ?
/ @Hugues : Merci, on parlait de 5 attaques sur leurs territoires, par 5 pays différents, on ne parle pas des MPP ou des aides en combat. 


Great article!

Hail Eclipse! o7

Best propaganda in eRev!

Super comme dab !

o7 Vodka

Still deleted

well...we were told that Germans are planing to use Russia to attack us...zerg stronker than visa so off the map u go... hope u guys do more articles as the other guys said before u are doing a great job, except for the propaganda :p

@Miltiados because this upload center is filtered here in Iran 

Très bon article !

Great article 

@Warhaft @Apo42 @AnonymousChakala @Trevasou @srb1n96 : Thank you ! 

Thank you for all your votes and comments.