The Grey Lines

Grey - 의 신문 France -

국가 France - 정책 토론&분석 - 20 Oct 2016 10:10 - 20


Jean Epsilongg29gg29SchenaFyore

댓글 (20)

It s very very long, and about french drama, if you want you can translate the text version.
Bien interessant !
J aime
Spanki qui déclare ne pas avoir été au courant Laugh, j adore ! Tu nous rejoins quand tu veux copain Wink
hmmm i dont speak french... and also i wasnt informed about the leaving of those guys... but even i have seen it coming that some players will leave france... i mean what did you expect? that those ex patriots will stay in that acid area called french politic forever? as you have seen in the past and as you can see now in russia they are very active and writing great articles... and to the they left when there was a war part: come on noone wanted that war... it was useless and even if they wouldnt have left i doubt that they would have hit hard there... to the forum: i dont care about the forum so i also dont know what happened there... anyway i doubt that it was such a big damage... Wink to discord: well that wasnt nice but here the same as for the forum: no real damage done... opening a new server and everything was as before...
+1 RAF
+1 RAF
+349 RAF
+1 RAF
c est vrai que spanki est assez doué dans le genre pour raconter ce qui lui plait ^^
L idée est bonne. Les commentaires sont à mourir de rire.
Voté. Bon article Grey Smile Effectivement, certains commentaires sont à mourir de rire ...
X) vous me faites penser à eux
vend tong
Vous allez finir par vous aimer les uns les autres ? Bordel de Merde !
Je retiens juste le ,,Je ne regrette rien,, ... Bah, moi non plus Smile ! Bref, Milti était bel et bien le seul Russe à vouloir de cette amitié.