Neanderthal Times

국가 France - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 21 Oct 2016 16:05 - 5

I have noticed something. Every time I start fighting in a battle, the first hit doesn't register for the rank points. If, for whatever reason, I leave the battlefield, same thing happens. No rank points for the first strike. This is especially annoying now, that the hits are double. Does this happen to everybody or just to me? And what are the admins doing about it? I must have lost a lot of rank points so far.


TipsieYarinnaTineaGalbarBurdujelO Varietura de DinozaurPiroburidava

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happen to everybody
refresh ,and it add rank points.
it takes some time for points to register on Profile page and also on Event Damage page, but they should register (refreshing page may help)
Workaround is to click Recover energy button (it refreshes the profile instantly, also works for daily order)
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