국가 Paraguay - 정책 토론&분석 - 25 Oct 2016 11:47 - 18
My information network is fast. I predicted this, Brazil does not know who its their alliance. Invictus? Eclipse? MDP? Nobody understand Brazil Gob.


They said that thoughs Brazil is from MDP now and allie them :v and used my article to justify their alliance vs Germany.


They said that thoughs Brazil is from MDP now and allie them :v and used my article to justify their alliance vs Germany.
Lieutenant DildoLieutenant DildoLieutenant DildoLieutenant DildoLieutenant DildoLieutenant DildoLieutenant Dildo댓글 (18)

Did they just pull a FYROM?

Essa MPP não é oficial, ela é um engano esse congressista não sabe o que faz

Proposta por Sir Baba ovozzy, 10 minutes ago
Germany foi proposto como Inimido Natural

germans like serbians are masters in making enemy s

Brazil will bring democracy to Germoney

MPP Turkey 7x1

Traitors everywhere in this game...
But we are standing strong and will never bend even when the odds and numbers are not on our side!

What a hell did you thought germans shoot against brasil for mdp so whats strmahe here? Gj brazil i would do same thing

Mpp with enemy

I feel sorry for Croatia,Serbia,Hungary,BiH,Spain,Argentina cause Germany really destroyed Invictus.


Yo, stop using Google Translator, ask a friend to Translator or something like this, really!

@Lukas Pim: I didnt use google translator,(only when I translated to pt, because I dont have the accent mark or cedilha) try translate my articles from spanish to english with the translator, wasnt the same. I wrote with my foot and If I want to write with my foot, I will wirte with my foot, this is my newspaper and this is my foot. But If you want to stop me writing my thrash, I wil said you to stop throwing to thrash your agreements, stop throwing to thrash your country :v I have a life to live iRL, and I dont have time to write every day, but your failed gobernment keep me writing this thrash :v


@FranConejo, chill bro, it was Just a opnion to make easier to read. I like your article.

1-7 o/, Brazil, are you sure you wanna do this again? xD

I fell sorry Because I didnt fight with some of trolls against Brasil, I really am, but cmon, there are still few countries who have b**ls here in erev to fight against MDP