국가 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 02 Nov 2016 10:33 - 38

EsseninebajrektarskofjalokaJesusrfGuepoAva PajeButtersTMButtersTMLemony plastTopSecretRAF904Red EagleTheRedActorTHEGUYBuldozerHuMaVi댓글 (38)


I love the idea of put a Market Chat not included in the ALL chat, voted

bravo o7

Very good ideas! V+








Nema cice nema vote

basiclly i asked uros for a addvertisment banner and he just sent me to another player who doesnt have anything in common with the devs ....

Hail new good idea

no boobs 

nice v s

one reason why game cant attract more players is when some new player decide to make acc, pick his country and see that at start his country is at huge disadvantage compared to some countries they lose will to even try this game. Here is 2 countries similar in many ways in RL, and with later even having much stronger ecconomy while here its at clear disadvantage.. France and Germany for example.. we dont have to even go in to other countries. Good friend of mine is Irish , he was here 2h ago, i tried to make him in to joining us, but when i said he should make acc in one of countries like France , turkey or Iran, he asked me why not Ireland?.. why not/?? where to start???... Im sure many of us tried to recruit new players and faced same story..


u deserve my sub and vote my friend


I mean 420 gold for almost 70 euros, and you can t even build one factory from Q1 to Q5, that s way too much
Good idea, make factory Q1 to Q5 for 10 gold and everyone will produce heli Q5 tomorrow, we have 5400 citizens without work ! Can help the game ♥
(It s bad idea mate xD)

@Rapin they can low biggest pack of gold, but put it for less money, let s say if you buy biggest pack of gold you can build from 0 to q5 weapons factory + to q1 tank factory 

nice, voted

baby boom serbia = massive botting attempt
serbia no1 country for banned people/bots/inactives

like 1st suggestion 

Like 3rd Suggestion. Voted and support o7



Voted o7

This man with hearts at ALL chat is Asmin lol