Childish Analysis

국가 Spain - 정책 토론&분석 - 02 Nov 2016 10:37 - 56

The Iberian Treaty
In order to nail down the neverending Iberian Front War, France, Portugal, Spain and the United States of America agreed upon signing a peace treaty. of the Iberian Treaty:

-Portugal will hold the regions: Castilla y Leon, Basque Country and La Rioja for a maximum period of 30 days and then regions will be returned unconditionally;
- Portugal will return all other Spanish cores;
- France will return all Spanish cores;
- USA will return all Spanish cores;
- A Hospital Q5 will be placed in Murcia;
- Spain will hold Alrgave as long as Portugal holds CyL (maximum period of 30 days);
- Portugal and Spain will have TW when both countries agree to in the Spanish region of Galicia and all costs will be split 50/50.
- Duration of NAP: 30 days (day 297 to day 327). Termes du Traité Ibérique:

- Portugal va garder ces régions : Castilla y Leon, Basque Country e La Rioja pour une période de 30 jours et les régions seront rendues à l'Espagne ensuite et sans condition;- Le Portugal va rendre toutes les régions espagnoles;
- La France va rendre toutes les régions espagnoles;
- Les USA vont rendre toutes les régions espagnoles;
- Un hôpital Q5 va être placer en Murcia;
- L'Espagne va garder Algarve aussi longtemps que le Portugal garde Castilla y Leon (periode de 30 jours maximum);
- Le Portugal et l'Espagne vont commencer une TW quand les deux pays seront d'accord. Cette TW se fera au niveau de la région Galicia et le coût sera partagé entre les deux pays;
- Le NAP dure 30 jours (297 - 327). Términos del Tratado Ibérico

- Portugal va a obtener las regiones : Castilla y Leon, Basque Country y Rioja por un periodo máximo de 30 días, una vez finalizado el periodo serán devueltas incondicionalmente;- Portugal devolverá a España todas las demás regiones conquistadas a lo largo de la guerra;
- Francia devolverá a España todas regiones conquistadas a lo largo de la guerra;
- USA devolverá a España todas las regiones conquistadas a lo largo de la guerra;
- Portugal pondrá un hospital Q5 en Murcia;
- Portugal dará a España la región de Algarve por un periodo máximo de 30 días, una vez finalizado el periodo, la región sserá devuelta incondiconalmente;
- Portugal y España podrán tener TW si ambos países lo desean, la región donde se hará la TW será en Galicia, los costos serán 50/50;
- La duración del NAP será de 30 días (297 - 327). Termos do Tratado Ibérico:

- Portugal fica com as regiões de Castilha e Leão, Rioja e País Basco por um período máximo de 30 dias, após os quais as regiões serão devolvidas;
- Portugal, França e EUA devolvem todas as restantes regiões a Espanha;
- Será colocado um Hospital Q5 na Capital espanhola (Murcia);
- Espanha ficará com o Algarve enquanto Portugal tiver Castilha e Leão;
- Portugal e Espanha terão TW apenas e só quando ambos os países concordarem. A TW será feita em Galiza e os custos divididos;
- O NAP tem uma duração de 30 dias (dia 297 a dia 327).

In order to make the Iberian Treaty official, the following representatives will sign it via comment below:

Country President of France
Country President of Portugal
Country President of Spain
Country President of The United States of America


AncestralAlejandro MadridThe Last Lynx PardinusCelioMGSaint OptimumLoving Pabl0El ProfesorApokaBig Pappa WolfKorgoth

댓글 (56)

Signed - Country President of Portugal
HAIL! o7
Pole! Votado! Heil Gaylaico!
Signed- Country President of Spain
o7 finally
declared war
Signed - Country President of France
Signed - Country President of Serbia
Signed- Duke of Austria
Hail new hospital
✓ Authentic Merda ✓
Good NAP. Congrats.
Italy cannot into relevance
v 66
es saxeli rato darqves?
Signed, Lord of Pies
italy even mentioned? ok
@maro Portugal have a short memory. xD
i see i see..
Signed - President of HueHue
Italian demands for signing NAP with Spain were shameful. I prefer not to even mention them. And the way I see it, it is Italy that has a short memory. Very short.
@ancestral i was cm so i know all... italy would t give regions @ spa FOR FREE, and that s the reason of your hatred! after you forced us in this stupid war . so do not talk this bad to us.
First of all, speak with respect. Second: you were not forced, you were exposed to the whole alliance and everyone was disappointed at Italy again. Third: I am not even talking about Italy refusing NAP number 1, which was a simple region swap where Italy would lose nothing, I am not even talking about Italy asking for a *symbolic* value of 145 gold from Portugal in NAP number 2, so that it would be Portugal swapping regions with with Italy and Italy would lose nothing. I am talking about what Italy demanded NOW for signing NAP with Spain. It is a shame. In fact, whole 3 times were a shame. Fourth: I hope you never, ever, address anyone like you just did. Learn how to talk like civilized people.
@maro: oh you deleted your comment where you told me to stfu? Does not matter, I saw it.
@yeah i changed last part before your comment, before your cry now... so bring in an enemy powerfull nation is nothing for you
Cry? Who is crying? I am not crying, for sure Wink
Signed - President my House
good job Signed (°.°) 7 Smile At least your tried Italy Smile Man up, be honoroble, stay loyal, and someday you ll find a true ally Smile
Signed - Former US President
Signed - Acting US President
V o7