국가 Georgia - 정책 토론&분석 - 11 Nov 2016 16:08 - 159

Greetings people of eRevollution,
We are pleased to announce that the alliance Vae Victis has officially been created today (eRev Day 306). In the name of our alliance, I wish to present you the members of this alliance and the VV alliance HQ.

Supreme Commander: Kinyas - Governor of Turkey
Vice Supreme Commander: Mohammad.No0bsailbot - Prime Minister of Iran
Military Commander: ATEHTATOPOT - President of Macedonia
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Azzazel87 - MoD of France
Vice-Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Selvaris - vMoFA of USA
Secretary of Public Relations: spitifireYG (Ace) - MoFA of USA

:: Albania ::
:: Bulgaria ::
:: France ::
:: Georgia ::
:: Indonesia ::
:: Iran ::
:: Macedonia ::
:: Poland ::
:: Romania ::
:: Taiwan ::
:: Turkey ::
:: USA ::

We also invite you to join Discord server: https://discord.gg/nFFVs2P
!Hail Vae Victis!
Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Public Relations
KinyasTheKamKoAphianPedzaMKDAnthraXTomiALBPalmerTsiloDaltonicDPiromanTantisMohan Ghaleno0bsailbotbagrat 3KahramanMKZE BUNDAATEHTATOPOTRomyPanzer AceGEO FIGHTERMakedonerCp reza sparrowBuldozercekolkEl Tito Stynker댓글 (159)

【Vae Victis】Birth of a New Era



Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7


hail VV o7


MDP 2 hahhahahahhahaa

Mdp +

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7


MDP 2.0..

MDP 2.0

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

It s the same, but different, but still the same. *insert James Franco gif*

well, good luck guys.

Interesting to see new things develop. good luck

Hail MDP

Vae Victis o7

MDP 2.0 

MDP 2 but good luck.
(Azza tu pèses
♥ )

Vae Victis o7

Looks like the new iPhone. Pretty much the same old thing, but with a bigger screen. 

Good luck o7

Hail Vae Victis o7 (merci Milti ❤)


VV o/

Same as MDP, what is changed - nothing.

this will make game more exciting and fun

better article that crying ban or leave articles o7


MDP was dissolved in order to bring back balance and fun in this dead game and now MDP reborned with new name and logo.
Only one thing changed: some weaker countries are replaced with stronger ones.

its better like this.. without country who can only complain..

1st cause they said they wont leave their friend behind expect Mexico Japan and Italy and Greece well this is not your fault U dont have enough firepower to be considered friends
2nd what is exactly new in this alliance?? or so called new era???
3rd power is sweet power hungry people will never get enough

Wow this Is United nations O.o
Not one alliance XD

so MDP kicked greece and took FYROM ??

Oh and the name remember me -tempus vitae-.

Cambiemos para no cambiar...

Vae Victis o7

Hail Rias Gremory!

Happy to see that France has overcome its rejection of MDP and Kinyas; and was able to impose the name of the alliance
Good luck for this New Era.

Valar morghulis

Valar dohaeris ^

Valar dohaeris

I m American and I already hate this alliance...

cry about balance


Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

new patch for MDP has been released ^^

MDP 2.0
MDP Reloaded
MDP New Era
MDP New Beginning
MDP Potenciado
La misma mierda xD

MDP+France balance !!!!!

Lol. Serbians and Croatians crying like MPD Patch, MDP 2 etc. Guys, wake up. You guys repeated TRS 3 times with name changes. xD

this is not a new era. this is the last era of erev.



hail VV


Vae Victis o7

o7 !


i see vv enemyes crying from now
!Hail Vae Victis! 

MDP was jealous of invictus name so they restarted with similar. I think that was all about MDP *dissolve*

As I know Greece is no member of the new alliance, so you can t refer to Macedonia.
I was reading Kinyas article before and I thought that at least him can understand the sensitivity of situation. What a pity!
Good luck!

oće se kakve janjetine okretat nemojte jebat da je to to?

Hail VV

Vae Victis o7

wesh VV

Vae Victis o7

This would be no fun at all, mdp 2. Idk how smart you need to be to make balance like that xD


Vae Victis o7

mdp without Italy Greece Danemark Japan and Portugal (that is a friendly country though i believe).... it will be the same battles with the same opposition -_-

W o7

Vae Victis o7

HAIL Vae Victis o7

Its amazing how people are stupid in this game. I reffer on admins and new/old/same MDP v2... this game wont have bright future... Just keep ruining it 

o7 at least portugal isnt there

They say birth of a new era but the alliance is basically the same smh


You call yourself brothers but you kicked Greece out because FYROM has more dmg. Damagehood not brotherhood.

Actually the name is perfect for an unballanced alliance.



RIP eRev MDP is back with an other name -_-

Vae Victis o7

MDP beta v 0.0.213

What da hell is that mean Vae Victis ? Guyz be creatiave cmon


mpd without me 

MDP - Rise of FYROM. I wont pay for this movie but ofc will downloand from torrent.

Persident of FYROM* Ace...

Finally to kick some French a**


To people crying for balance, maybe you should choose more skilled politicians as leaders. No one forced people to join Vae Victis by putting a gun to their heads. They simply wanted to be part of it. Some of them did not and we respect that. (for example Portugal) So, instead of whining about balance maybe you should change your leaders or strategy.

Vae Victis o7

No kinsc MDP 2 - Final Stand
I suggest other movies like TRS : Modern Warfare but you already watched 

I thought that turkish community will leave game
btw nyx how much you pay for account?


Orion 180€, and this noob now thinks he can speak about the game. This is the nemesis of bought accounts. They buy a strong acc and automatically thwy think they know everything about the game

Why did you disband mdp in the first place when you replaced low dmg countries with the ones with higher damage?

It seems that is time for Overlord to wake up and bring some chaos in this game.Shiro has spoken.

Welcome friends
Hail victis

@Nyx : Or perhaps frightened politicians from your side that prefer safety over challenge 

ktab and his imagination world...
i think this funny reaction shows that you know you are a bad leader
considering i did not mention any name in my comment.
anyway, i dont have time or will to teach you strategy. you keep crying

VV o7

Cheater you wish you were half the player i am. But that s it, when cheaters are not banned, these are the results. You could better teach me how to purchase accounts instead and let strategy aside. Not your field

only new name

MDP 2.1

Vae Victis + Puppets vs RoW Damage Comparison: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17971

After the disband of MDP and their great spokes about the necessity of better balanced game what can we see? MDP2 lol. Buy you ballz guyz and dont hide behind an alliance who will surely rule the eworld.. No risk No fun

ktab its way too obvious that u get mad because u have spent probably over 1k+ euros on this game and some noobs just give 200 euros and get acc as strong as urs



Great news
) hail VV

vidimo se na boljnom poju o7

MDP changed name 

birth of new bore

Now is Macedonia...1 month ago it was FYROM :p


Y Change allies Y Change the name of a country @spitfire

Leave MDP and create MDP 2
Game still sucks.

good name for new aliance :p

this is a joke. leave past name *MDP*.

ataTurkish guys, aren t you leaving. What happened with Ultimatum to Game Management, ai. No honor


mdp v2 

Double V o7

after this, only a complete cretin would spend any rl money on this shit that will die like many other clones of you-know-what.



Es la misma wea

Hope this alliance will be victus fast. 

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

This game is certainly dying...

same sh1t, different name...


here we go agian...

heil VV o/