국가 Hungary - 정책 토론&분석 - 19 Nov 2016 19:55 - 76

To all honourable players to the world!
Hungarians since the beginning of this game stayed loyal to Serbia. Not many countries put up with Serbian stubbornness, but Hungarians know Serbians well even from another game. I guess we are kind of used to it. Serbia is divided by oppositions which pull them in different directions sometimes and thats just makes it even harder to deal with them. Yes we put up with that too.
It was cherry on top that we watched allies getting mad and leaving. Iran, Japan, Bulgaria, last but not least Macedonia. Did I miss anyone?
They were all friends to us but we watched them leave and stayed loyal to Serbia. We even called some of them traitors. Somehow they had the same reason to leave.
It was Serbia.
They all left because of the Serbian leadership has such an attitude and ego that nobody can put up with. Leaving Macedonia out of Invictus was a terrible mistake and if I was playing actively that time I would not allow that to happen.
I personally think Serbia has a lot of good leaders like Batasha, reVokasi, djurdjo I love them so much, we had great times. Serbian players are pionate and will fight for you to the last drop of blood. I still have great respect to them.
Sadly they have Phantom who is rotten to his core. He is sneaky backstabber with an attitude and such an ego he lies straight in your face.
As many of you know Phantom and I dont have a very good relationship but I tried to give it another chance. Instead of doing the same he was just looking for an opportunity to strike back at me. I humiliated him before in my article for stabbing Hungarians in the back with his secret deal with Romanians.
Well folks, this time he had a little secret deal with some Czech players.
This was the last drop in the gl.
When I wrote that article, I was mad but I still believed that we can have good relationship with Serbia. I hoped till this day that Serbian players will realize how destructive Phantoms actions are, but it did not happen and my patience has ended.
Sadly this is the day when Hungary and Serbia will start to walk down on a different path.
As long Phantom is in charge anyhow in Serbia, things will just get worse between us.
I think the best for the both of us if we just say goodbye to each other.
Switching sides is not a Hungarian style. We will seek independence. We will avoid opposition with friends we have left on the Balkans, we will try to restore some old friendships, and we may look for new ones.
Regards to Czech players all I got to say is that you may have misunderstood my actions, but next time if you dont understand something, you just have to open a conversation and ask.
You have done the opposite. You ignored my letters.
Now you accusing Hungarians being hostile against you. Are you gone mad?
Hungary always been fair and will be fair to those who deserve it.
We have never done anything wrong against the Czech Republic, I dont know why they even doubt us for a minute. If they did, why ignore my letters. Why not just talk to me? Was I ever been unreasonable?
Your future Czech Republic will depend on your future actions towards us.
Yours truly,
CP of Hungary
TarsiPanzer AceRothbarteVokasiATEHTATOPOTImparaTBaby JesusBaby JesusCaptain HarlockLyell ThirdAlexander III King of Macedon댓글 (76)


You agreed with enemy to rent regions from your ally, without asking your ally about that (and dont tell me that you asked, you made agreement 4 days ago and your first contact with Czechs were 3 days ago) and now you cant believe why they ignore you xD And really, with friends like this, who needs enemies? 

@Antinarodni: Seems like you know everything better then I do. Thanks for letting me know what happened how it happened and when it happened.
Actually I contacted Czech president 3 days ago during the day and waited to sign the deal till late evening. Negotiations started way sooner with Turkey but we only wanted Moravia which was under Turkish occupation already. The other regions was requested by Kinyas and didn t know till the last day. We had good relations with Czech players and I didn t think there will be an issue. Friends work things out if they really friends.

As you see german, it was 3 days ago. Stop lie and as germans always do, stop crying
Thanks. And when this article was made, regions was in türkish hands.
But good try.

Kinyas wanted:
Czech Republic and Turkish controlled regions of Germany cannot have common borders.
This was all new to me, but that means we take Southern and Northern Bohemia and they can have Moravia. Either way we wanted them to have free regions. We just wanted Moravia which was under Turkish occupation already. I was even willing to rent it (pay for it) if they wanted me to. For Czechs is better if we have some of their regions, not Turkey. All they had to do is ask. Instead they ignored my letters for 3 days.

NightwatcherHUN egy segg

TemujinBC meg nagy SEGG 

I ll just say that Hun has been a great ally to us

if I even try to answer to your polling it would mean that you are important, so go apology to someone and sell your allies its all you know 

This is the best you have got. That is why you dont answer. Simply you know I am right.
Nice try, try harder 

http://prntscr.com/d9ht4g thats all I have to say to you
good luck traitor

Sadly they have Phantom who is rotten to his core. He is peaky backstabber with a pumpkin head

Hahaha, yeah right. I helped Romania their way to the Romanian empire.
1. He purposely wrote that in a way to create tension between us. It is called propaganda. He sadly succeeded, because where friendship shaken it is not hard to make it worse.
2. He publish that before we even signed anything with them.
3. He didnt need our help. If we dont help them, he just wait 10 days to NAP expire and he takes it.
Buddy you really have to try harder than that. I am going to sleep, you have a few hours to figure something out. Good luck 

BATASHA great leader? AHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA That guy lead Serbia to the hell and they still cant recover from that. Go beg for forgiveness or something like that.Hungary was country in the time of Szef you are now just NAPgary. Shiro has spoken.

Szefes long gone, and you still dont matter.

Batasha reborn told me via pm, he is currently fighting to make a better eSerbia, that is eSerbia for everyone.

Ako neko razume, neznam da pisem na Engleskom i necu, Ko zeli neka prevodi. Kada smo poceli da igramo eRevollution rekao sam za 4 tadasnja saveznika da ce kad tad da nam zabiju noz u ledja. Neki znaju za koga sam pricao 3 ot tih 4 su to uradili. Neki su mi rekli nije ovo RL ovo je igrica, ali tu igricu igraju judi iz RL. Ali ko slusa nebitnkog novinara 

Hungary lost szefe borghese two big players 

Why do you care what Turkey wants? Are you ally of turkey or czech republic?

Incoming new Update for Servia, sorry for Game, everycountry can sign up to 5 MPP 

I signed an agreement with Turkey, and I am the kind of person who keep his word. Czech Republicans are our allies, but they misunderstood me and reacted the worst possible way. Instead of communication, they choose ignorance. Also they choose to go behind our back. We did want to talk to them.

Najjadniji su ovi likovi sto igraju za neprijateljske zemlje i udaraju protiv Srbije,a pametuju sta je dobro za Srbiju.Dno dna.

@Misirac decace to gde igras nema veze dok imas mozga a ne zicu koja ti drzi usi da ti ne spadnu
@IBegForForgivenesHUN you accomplished in this game that Hungary who all respected now all despise so dont talk anymore.This is last from me dont wanna spend anymore of my precious time on ppl like you.

Bice da je tako.Igraj ti i tebi slicni protiv svoje zemlje i ne mudruj.Janjicara i poturica je bilo i bice,verovatno su i oni igrali sa mozgom.

Now let me show you honour in this, http://prnt.sc/d99cn2 , http://prntscr.com/d9iyit

Jedino znam da je vokasi gore suvisan jer je kriv za mkd. Takodje madjari nista lose nisu uradili, to su turske teritorije i oni su ih samo pustili preko, njihov dogovor. To sto ceska ne moze da se brani jbg, sta fali da su i oni uleteli tu i rentali regije za koji gold? Kako se ko snadje da ne bude obrisan. Neko ume a neko i ne..

Serbs and Diplomacy-Those 2 things dont go together

guys come on, serbs will have no allies left to dw

@nightwatch you keep saying you are kind of guy who keeps his word,. did you kept it and to your allies? or you just keep it towards your enemies ??

I just want to know why Hun didnt DoW slovakia before Turkey did, Hun had only one task in Invictus that day, to Dow slovakia, and that whole day your CP didnt answered to PM s, in next 24 hours Hun signed NAP with Turkey.

So everyone told you are wrong, except fyromans, and you will still keep on with your I am right . Poor.

Thank you for your first screen shot lit just proves that I did try to contact the CP, and he ignored me.
Kilman on the other hand responded to me and he didn t have a problem with it, he just had to check with the others. Kilmans words were enough or me, I was sure it s not going to be a problem if I just proceed. We are friends and I would not be surprised if you talked them out of it because you didn t want us to have southern and northern Bohemia.
My screen shot proves that I also contacted Kilman. The answer speaks for itself. He assured me that it should be fine. With enemies I am more careful but with friends who would have thought. Look at the title of this article.


Do it like FYROM .. mpp all enemies join mdp2 to punish them

@NightwatcherHUN in those screenshots he saying that he is not in goverment and must ask them. deciding any other countries is not your job. shouldnt be. Look at yourself first actually. Hungary needs a STRONG leader not a man like you. Disgusting.

@Kinsc Your opinion does not matter to me. We never liked each other, I wasnt expecting you to be on my side, and you wasting your time try to prove something here. Kilman is my friend, his words were an assurance to me, and even if Czechs dont like it, I was going to solve it somehow. With friends if there is a will, there is a way. Looks like there is no will, and looks like they are not friends.

*With enemies I am more careful but with friends who would have thought.*
This says the man who make agreement with enemy to share the lands of his allies.
And after that, he is trying to justify himself by saying that his, as he say friends, didnt agree with that idea, so they are guilty for ignoring this so called proposal, that already have been agreed with Turkey, supposedly his enemies, behind the back of his, as he once more said, friends.
I think that Hungary is good ally but this was awkward move.

http://prnt.sc/d9l2iw , http://prnt.sc/d9l3i4 mmmmhmmm. Honour.

@rad88 you are forgetting that we are talking about a country here that was already occupied by Turkey and didnt pay rent, it is better for them if we occupy them and pay them something in return. Didnt even cross my mind they going to have a problem with that. Especially from ppl you think they are your friends.


Cmon man, *For them it is better that we conquer their land instead of Turkey, because we are their allies*. Why is that better? You will exploit their territories with more sympathy? Their territories are still occupied. And at lest they were fighting against Turkey for freedom. Now Turkey have one problem less (no matter how big or small it was) and one country more who owe them something.
For me still awkward move but everybody have their own choices. I cant say that i could agree with your point of view.

Guys too much papapa. Keep cry on your articles thanks. And welcome your new ally, Czech Republik. Hungary made a lot of dmg on your side when we re was deleted. You lost a really good and loyal ally. Its nothing about diplomatics, fair game or because you love Czech Republik.
Its because Phantom bobo hates NW. Thats feel a massive pain because NW says the truth and Phantom bobo made you his puppy.

I know it is hard with Serbia but you Hungary should stop helping Turkey that much...
And Bulgaria left not because of Serbia but because of FYROM, go ask justtraitor 

rad88: Why is that better? ---- because we will pay rent to our friends, Turkey doesnt.

And an other thing. Türkey, Romania and their allies hate us and fight against us becase we are was enemies. This is a game thats normal. But we did face to face without sneaky things. But you guys always on sneaky way and you give a piece of sht to your alliance and the good persons of your nation also.
Batbaianov. I would like to say thanks that Croatia didnt make high dmg on this fight. Croatia as always good and friend. I think it was not help to Türkey because we should take Moravia. But after this talks and what happened yesterday on discord maybe I would like to help....

@Sturmmann my friend
We not helping Turkey, we just trying to follow through with our agreement. Hmmm justtraitor had problems with Serbia too as far as I know, but may be you right and they werent the ain reason. Now it must be sucks for Bulgaria then, because Macedonia followed them 

nightwatch so where is SerHun ?? you accused serbia who helped you number of times, and was there for you when you needed us most. Serbia picked you ahead of Romania thanks to your issues with them, and stood by you always on that matter. I dont need to be politician to know that, as i was playing other game too. So you think its best way to deal with problem with making article and try to get some sympathy there and blame it all on Serbia?? Do Honourable thing and just say you want to swich sides and be done with it, people will respect it more than doing sneaky way.


I will not deal a lot with the matter, not even on my advice to first agree with Czech gov about any plan cause that would bring problems in general. I will just post 2 links here. The first is Saarland battle that we lost for 250m and Czech was there with 200, but Hungary not. https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/6025/1 The other is Moravia conquered by Turkey where Hungary dealed for the enemies nearly 900m https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/6161/1 This is just because of the title of the article

http://erevtools.com/battlecountries.php?battleid=4562 or maybe 300 milions for us in this battle
also cuz of the title of the article

ktab ok When our last region was attacked and ger was not in important fight, only 1 german did dmg on our side. I think no way to talk about this things what is make only more trashes.
And I think you didnt read the old nap rules. We cannot fight against Türkey. But as in the new nap we can help to def core regions now... Thats an other question that after this situation we wants or not.

Bro, do you have a link from erev tools? Cause when Hungary got erased Germany was pro-MDP. Unless you do not talk about that battle but recent ones, when Germany was fighting at multiple fronts and battles. And of course German players were exausted. Also this talk is not trash, Saarland was our last region before erase.

too long, didn t read

@Ktab: As I told you guys in the alliance room, I was inactive that day and nobody tried to find other officials from Hungary: So it was rather a lack of communication, not leaving allies behind. Since I brought more representatives to the alliance room to avoid things like this, but it doesnt matter now. I could talk about battles where we got left behind, please dont go there. Bad thing happen even in friendship, but as long we all got the right attitude, as long we all have the will to improve, everything should be ok. With other words: Shit happens

justtraitor had had problems with serbia cause serbia didnt side with him on the FYROV issue. Also, why do you act as you dont know that all Invictus members decided together that FYROV shouldnt be invited, it wasnt a serbian decision?

OK guys like we always said we have not and will not betray our friends. As for Serbia... with phantom986 and his ilk - nothing; without him - everything.

When we ask Hungary before discont to attack Turkey with a lot of help witch also was from Czech and ZDRUG MU from Croatia, Hungary didnt want to attack. Serbia had 4 wars and we keep fighting hard and also almost delete Albania so that was great time for attack on Turkey with Cro Ger Czech and others allys help. YOu didnt attack and after that we saw DW on Turkey after discont ( LOW BRAIN).
After that you sing NAP, well ok i was angry but anyway ist ok. After that NAP we see something like NEW NAP, i really dont know why you did that you could just say WE HAVE NAP WE DONT WANT NEW IF YOU ATTACK US WE WILL SAY TILL END OF SERVER THAT TURKEY AND ROMANIA ARE BROKERS OF NAPS !!! Simply but no, you alow enemy to find more resurs and get FULL BONUS also want to trade ally regions.
I saw somewhere that you said Czech is dead country with 5-6 active ppl, that 5-6 active ppl did a lot in some important battles...
In Kinas SS we see how Czech dont alow that argument and also you know that Belgor and Sar Bel are main persons in Czech and they dont alow this, so...
Try not to make this moves next time o/

I don t know why but when i hear something about hungary just remember szefes. He wasn t so much professional but he was true friend, when he left the game iran-hungary old friendship over. Go find him and invite him to the game again He has respect between old players of this game. Hungary seems is alone in this game :|

Popcorn mode

so Nightwatch, when ktab posted something that you didnt like it, you said its not your fault , its lack of communication.. But where was your communication before all this that you just blew out of proportions???. .

@KrstaVB: Hungary was about to get deleted again. Alliance send us to go to war, we hit billions in the first battle and the alliance just let it all go away. After we were going downhill and nobody give a sh*t. That is why we had a NAP, and yes since things hasnt change we renewed our NAP.

@TopSecret: I did not say I did not like Ktab post, and I did not say its not my fault. Communication has at least 2 partners. We both failed to communicate.

lulgaria left alliance because of fyrom, not Serbia.. Also, no one wanted fyrom in Invictus not only Serbia, and u know that...Serbians (read vokasi s) mistake was to push them in Mdp and make them favorite Turks puppy.. This u did with Czechs is just lame and u know that..

Please do not renew the nap 3rd time, if they attack you and you loose then you can ask for new nap otherwise I dont see the need of nap.

Serbia was deleted, serbia broke nap, france broke nap, every country broke the nap. It is not big deal... Even Romania broke nap... And Turkey 

Agree with you Nightwatcher. Also Serbians are often the greatest enemy of Serbia.

@revokasi ...Romania did not broke any NAP ... do not lie !

Nightwatcher that is point you attack in wrong time, even i knew that you will lost from Turkey in THAT TIME...

@night, let me get this straight : so failed communication when you work against allies, but when someone did something you didnt like (even tho its again against allies) you blaming allies ??? is that correct?

Ban Phantom!

Phor Killick +1 

Phor Killick +2 

Soon serbs alone ! Lol
