국가 Turkey - 재정 사업 - 23 Nov 2016 07:34 - 42

Hi! Welcome to my "Market Analysis" series, where I present you with the average prices, industry bonuses and a lot more!
I update this article during the two days it is up on global, and after that you can consider it outdated. If prices change a lot, I'll post a new article, making the average wait time 4 days.
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no notes, haven't done a MA in 2 weeks xD

1600 - 1700 energy, per Gold
FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,0003 - 0,0005

Q1 Helis = 0,018 - 0,020
Q2 Helis = 0,023 - 0,025
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,035
Q4 Helis = 0,055
Q5 Helis = 0,060 - 0,063
WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,0004 - 0,0006

Q1 = 4,0 - 4,3
Q2 = 5,1 - 5,5
Q3 = 6,0 - 6,5
Q4 = 9,0 - 9,5
Q5 = 11,0 - 11,5
HRM - House Raw Material = 0,0007 - 0,0008

Per work = 1,4

In this section I'll introduce the best country for each bonus combination (the one(s) with the cheapest tax), as well as the best country for people that just want to work out ^^ .

The Story of a Friendship: Turkey & Macedonia

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.
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Vote, Please see this screen and if it is possible for your next articles change your upload center(I give you 5golds, I hate to use antifilter to see pictures

finally old good market analysis

harmak commet LIKE o7

Very inaccurate... No vote, no support, no nothing. Bósnia já não tem 100% de food seu noobaça!1!!!1111eleven

another bullsh*t article... very inaccurate prices...

And that screen i said is : http://prntscr.com/dauso7

FYRoVardaska what Macedonia?

@Harmak I m aware that some weird ass governemnts banned imgur from their countries (#democracy), what do you suggest?

Corrected sweethears @Ancestral @rrferreira

Hmm q1 house cost 4 gold 

My suggestion ::this picture is ok and we can see it without any anti filtering instruments
http://image.prntscr.com/image/1499baa13f4d4df88b784de429c0529a.png so seems image.prntscr.com is good right now(at least till our shit government banned it too

price of wrm is much lower

Ok. Now voted. Good!


@ER0sensei tell me where you see any HRM lower then 0,0007 ^^ I ll rush to that market and buy it all

In France : WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,00047

Corrected @Hugues o7

Q1-2 helis are cheaper!

I thinl the price of Hellis Q1 is cheaper rounding 0.018g
Another nice article o/

Corrected @Cangoroo and @WannaBeNotSirius



Daltonic....i said wrm....read it agian..and you edited it a bit but still in some countries there is cheaper

Georgia has weapon and food bonus bro


@Vojo Radikal yes, but your tax is 0,03, while the tax in romania is 0,015 (half).

Oh right @ER0sensei, corrected now 

i give 1.75 per work :p

q4 heli 5.5g? i sell for 4.5g pm