
국가 Serbia - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 25 Nov 2016 08:51 - 39

Yeah, I just found out about strategic buildings so I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to write an article about it (actually it might be terrible) but I wanted to make some calculations for myself and then thought about sharing those with the rest of eRev community, maybe someone will find it useful.

In case you find some mistakes (which is very possible) just let me know in the comments below and I'll fix them accordingly.

Since I don't own any strategic buildings and I probably won't any time soon, I'm mostly basing my 'fresh knowledge' on the article Admin News, day 191 as well as some other articles sent by fellow players.

Those articles are good enough for the basics so I wanted to focus on the cost and value.

So, let's say you want to dive into the strategic buildings... Let's focus on the Strategic Supplies first.

To build Strategic Supplies Q1 you need 10 gold

To produce the actual Life Kit Q1 (regenerating 20% of energy) you need 1000 x Q1 food which is  around 1.25 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Supplies Q2 you need 30 gold

To produce the actual Life Kit Q2 (regenerating 40% of energy) you need 900 x Q2 food which is  around 2.25 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Supplies Q3 you need 100 gold

To produce the actual Life Kit Q3 (regenerating 60% of energy) you need 800 x Q3 food which is  around 3 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Supplies Q4 you need 200 gold

To produce the actual Life Kit Q4 (regenerating 80% of energy) you need 700 x Q4 food which is  around 3.5 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Supplies Q5 you need 300 gold

To produce the actual Life Kit Q5 (regenerating 100% of energy) you need 600 x Q5 food which is  around 3.75 gold.

Cumulative examples:

If you want to produce Life Kits Q1, you will need a total of 10 gold for construction and then around 1.25 gold daily for production of ONE Life Kit Q1.

If you want to produce Life Kits Q2, you will need a total of 40 gold for construction and then around 2.25 gold daily for production of ONE Life Kit Q2.

If you want to produce Life Kits Q3, you will need a total of 140 gold for construction and then around 3 gold daily for production of ONE Life Kit Q3.

If you want to produce Life Kits Q4, you will need a total of 340 gold for construction and then around 3.5 gold daily for production of ONE Life Kit Q4.

If you want to produce Life Kits Q5, you will need a total of 640 gold for construction and then around 3.75 gold daily for production of ONE Life Kit Q5.

Let's focus on the Strategic Weapon

Please NOTE that prices for weapons and tanks (especially of lower quality) are rough estimates and they are rarely sold but produced internally instead. If you believe the prices are different, contact me or leave a comment below and I'll review it. Thanks for understanding. 

To build Strategic Weapon Q1 you need 10 gold

To produce the actual Missile Q1 (doing fixed damage of 100,000) you need 50 x Q1 weapons + 50 x Q1 tanks which is  around 0.8 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Weapon Q2 you need 30gold

To produce the actual Missile Q2 (doing fixed damage of 300,000) you 50 x Q2 weapons + 50 x Q2 tanks which is  around  1.2 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Weapon Q3 you need 100 gold

To produce the actual Missile Q3 (doing fixed damage of 500,000) you need 50 x Q3 weapons + 50 x Q3 tanks which is  around 1.8 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Weapon Q4 you need 200 gold

To produce the actual Missile Q4 (doing fixed damage of 1,000,000) you need 50 x Q4 weapons + 50 x Q4 tanks which is  around 2.8 gold.

To build/upgrade to Strategic Weapon Q5 you need 300 gold

To produce the actual Missile Q5 (doing fixed damage of 2,000,000) you need 50 x Q5 weapons + 50 x Q5 tanks which is  around 3.5 gold.

Cumulative examples:

If you want toproduce Missiles Q1, you will need a total of 10 gold for construction and then around 0.8 gold daily for production of ONE Missile Q1.

If you want to produce Missiles Q2, you will need a total of 40 gold for construction and then around 1.2 gold daily for production of ONE Missile Q2.

If you want toproduce Missiles Q3, you will need a total of 140 gold for construction and then around 1.8 gold daily for production of ONE Missile Q3.

If you want toproduce Missiles Q4, you will need a total of 340 gold for construction and then around 2.8 gold daily for production of ONE Missile Q4.

If you want to produce Missiles Q5, you will need a total of 640 gold for construction and then around 3.5 gold daily for production of ONE Missile Q5.

As you can see, these buildings are quite expensive (a fortune to a new player) but is it worth it? Well, that's up to you to decide because it depends on the total energy you can accumulate and other factors. For me... I'll just p for now but will consider it for the future.

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BISKVITEpolizesMI jajaSTROKAVAXanderXanderXanderKaveheVokasieVokasieVokasicikanekicaEl ProfesorCrnobradidebelidebelidebelihomersimpsonEl Tito HelamanrealfastDstranGEI am doneI am doneCika VladaButtersTMthe_passengerthe_passengerthe_passengerthe_passengersevenDRoNWilfie

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food quantities are wrong
To produce the actual Life Kit Q5 (regenerating 80% of energy) should be 100%
80% replaced by 100% (it was a typo) Checking the food quantities now...
Skynet00, are you sure about that? Because, as I said, I based my info and calculations on the Admin s article (linked above) which states the following: If you own a Q1 Strategic Supplies, you will need 1000 Q1 food to make one Life Kit, for Q2 its 1000x Q2 food, Q3 - 1000 Q3 food, Q4 - 1000 Q4 and Q5 - 1000 Q5 food to make but restores greater percentage of your total energy (this counts houses and special buildings which you have activated). Now, I will upgrade my Strategic Supplies building to Q2, and create my first Life Kit.
dude..1000 q1 for q1 strategic bar..900 q2 for q2..800 q3 for q3...700q4 and 600 q5 Smile
and you are noob Laugh not all costts are 1000 Cheeky 1000 q1 900 q2 800 q3 700 q4 600 q5
Well, I am a noob, I said that in the subject already. But the article written by Admin tells a different story which you will find above, in my comment. If the Admins changed something in the meantime, they should have updated that as well so that noobZ like me don t make mistakes Smile
@inFidel Brother, the quantities informed by Skynet00 are correct. I use 800 food q3 to make one life kit q3.
Alright, costs fixed. Then the article written by Admin was wrong or it has changed in the meantime without updating the actual article.
Napisali su admini u jednom clanku update da je promenjena cena LKova
Zahvaljujem. Ono je jedini clanak koji sam ja vidio... Sad je sve ispravljeno... Nadam se Smile
brzo i lako zaradi GOLD votujuci i subujuci novine preko ereVotersa , nabavi jeftine glasove i subove za svoje novine na ereVotersu
I use 900 Q2 food for a Q2 life kit slika govori iljadu reci Laugh
i cijene fooda su prefjetine, najdi mi 600 q5 fooda za 3.75 golda i uzimam Laugh
Zasto su prejeftine? Racunao sam 1600e/g. Toliko se otprilike krecu a ne varira mnogo cijena u odnosu na sam kvalitet hrane... Ako ti bas treba, prodacu ti ja, nije problem Wink
q5 food se bas zbog bocica i kolicine golda koja treba da se dojde do njih prodaje puno jeftinije, najjeftinije se krece oko 1600 za 1 golda, al je jako rijetko da neko tak prodaje. Vecina prodaje 600 q5 fooda za 4golda i vise
Evo ja prodao sve za 1600e/g. Bice sam jos jednom opravdao noob titulu... o7
Good summary! I had the tough choice to make between a) starting to build Q1 Health Kits, b) upgrading to a Q2 House factory, or c) buying a new weapons factory and raw material supply to go with it. I went with a) Health Kits for a couple reasons. Weapons and Houses eat up a lot of raw material so it would cost a lot of health each day product RM, and this would slow my progress. My country (Canada) naturally has 100% food bonus so that helped with producing extra food, and it is relatively easy to upgrade food companies because grain factories come cheap. Saving up those Health Kits will mean I can do more for major battles, and will do even more if I play it smart and buy a Q2 or Q3 house for an important battle, because all those Health Kits will become even more valuable (more so if you get the Field Hospitals on sale now). On the downside, I give up easy Gold selling energy on the Black Market. I am hoping a portion of that will be regained when TA/TP medal rewards.
Thanks for your input @Wilfie.
no thank you - I am putting a link to this in my article on new player tips. I think it will be helpful.
If I find time (hopefully tomorrow), I ll do the same for the Strategic Weapons to complete the article and make it more useful.
Dont bother doing article for strategic weapon .... Its not viable in this game at this period
bravo..imas vote, imas sub, imas endorse, sta bi ti vise Laugh o/
Nema sta vise, ispunio si kvotu Wink
Big vote for u!
You name is ironic, knowing what happened today xD
It s not like I joined today. Or left. Smile
Dobar clanak za jednog noba Laugh Cheeky q5 LK je odlicna stvar, iako je papreno skupo doci do njega i to je jos uvek igracka za bogatase, mi sirotinja se zadovoljavamo sa q3 Smile A da ne pricam koja je muka kad se ustekas jedno mesec dana, pa resis da se ispucas i treba da *pokrijes* sve te LK-ove q5 heilijima jer mislim da je jako glupo da se praznis a pucas sa pucama manjeg kvaliteta... U svakom slucaju, imas glas i pretplatu, kako bih pratio tvoj dalji novinarski rad, obecavas za sada. o7
I need the best estimate of price for weapons and tanks. I see different ones on the black market and no info on the market analysis whatsoever. Anyone who can help, please message me in order to complete this article. Thanks.
An excellent article - voted and subscribed!
Good, voted
voted o7
vote122 sub59, informative article o7