국가 Norway - 재정 사업 - 06 Dec 2016 11:38 - 6
Norway, the most destroyed country!

What admin thinks Norway looks like

What Norway really looks like
Consequenses and solution!
Norway has 6 core regions and 5 of those is frickin FRUITS, and 1 fish. This means that they have 0% chance to have decent country bonuses and it completly destroys the norwegian community. My suggestion is to add saltpeter, rubber, granite and/or clay. Because none of these exist in scandinavia.
BJORGJANSENHazaparatisoulstenance댓글 (6)

voted and supported

Yes give us more bonusses!


I am thinking the small countries with few regions and bad productivity bonuses are there for people who like to play strategy games on the Very Difficult setting.

Admin screw us with fruits, but users like Ratnik is the big problem.

Vote and support!