국가 Croatia - 정책 토론&분석 - 09 Dec 2016 03:46 - 50
Let me introduce you HQ of alliance GAME.inc
SC : Carapicho - The man who drink Vodka instead of water, funny guy
vSC: XOPC - THe man who bring Vodka to people
SoFA: Ragn0 - The man who know languages and don’t know how to run
1.istant: nime - shhhhh, he is Moderator
2.istant: King Leonidas - Greek Soldier who carry news and letters
MC: B A T A S H A - the man who discovered the SPACE key on keyboard
1.istant: ktab - serious guy, he don’t speak lot
2.istant: Inarius - This is fast man, he is everywhere
3.istant: Galaico - Legend say that he is “THE SPECIAL ONE”
PR - TovarDante - Not a man, just donkey who write all this sh*ts
And i have note that Lucifer is peace maker man, he know all stuff about you that even you don’t know, and all important stuff from alliance(music in background)
So this is our HQ, this article is not going to be so serious, we need some laughing in game we lost it between all those wars, anybody who feels too little and think too much - STOP -, come to GAME.inc, play game and have fun, that is our short story. And i want to invite all you people soldiers who have good will to join us and our official Discord channel
Guys, Girls, dads, moms, children,and all of you people are invited to have fun, it’s distraction from RL and fun is all that you need, we don’t have POWER, we don’t have REGIONS, we don’t have MONEY, we don’t have DAMAGE, so we don’t have any problems. We have lot of smugglers who bring good stuff like vodka, weed, easy woman and little Amsterdam, and believe me Pablo Escobar is not dead, join us and we will show him to you. Feeel free to contact our SoFA or his ititans to join this funny fellows.
The serious short stuff for introducing is done for now, and i have some free space in article, so i have one thing to do…
…. Lucifer are you going to marry me ?
Best regards
Good Luck n' Have Fun
PolarB34rMuzychukPolarB34rFrank05Jean EpsilonNino19vratarxB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AG 4 M p3trOs V E RYamtar TassecoICBM12345PuzzinPanzer AceMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kAncestralAncestralBlak Fox댓글 (50)

Hail GAME.inc! o7

Hail GAME.inc! o7


Hail GAME.inc! o7 Where is Crnobradi? -Man with big black beard? 

is this going to be gay marriage?

Hail GAME.inc
Where is Motorina the cleverest guy on the Earth 

No kinsc no vote


A di su hrvati u vrhu ? A ovog sta su stavili ka tajnicu da piskara ....o zasto ja ovo moram trpit ?

Hail GAME.inc! o7

we need some laughing in game we lost it between all those wars, anybody who feels too little and think too much - STOP -, come to GAME.inc, play game and have fun, that is our short story.

Hail Game Inc o7

Hail DarkSide o7 well its not usually for women to propose to men but what can i say.. I DO !!

Our HQ is already drunk. Anybody else who wants some vodka?

Hail GAME inc. o7

Ante lousi kala stefana

hahahaha @sakisxa

XD vote!

hadi bakalım bu sefer nasıl silineceğiz. chapter 2 !

inc. in sonuna ünlem koysaydınız da inciyi yadedeydik


👉Selling 138 Q3 Heli @0.032 G/u, Selling 1 Q3 House @5.7 G👈📣💬
👉Buying 4 Q1 Food Factories, Buying 4 Q2 Food Factories. ✉PM offers👈📣💬

Hail GAME inc. o7

Ratniče lipo ti sve to trpiš u norveškoj di pare kradeš a nema te ko prijavit tu

Sexy vote!

irc? lol, where is discord?

Hail Game Inc o7

@xertalt klick on IRC channel it s blue color, inside is link

Awww so cute!!!!!! Happy Weddin Lucifer x Tovar Dante.

Hail Game Inc.... o7



Nice to see Ragn0 up there! o7

Hail my dear Kamaraden !


Hail GAME inc. o7



Is the motto of alliance Vodka! Horilka! Palinka!?

Hail GAME.inc! o7

【Triple 100% 0,005cc】Georgia, ft. Tax Returns - https://discord.gg/GXSV5Pm Join Taxreturn Discord Channel.

Agree, after all those crying, laugh is necessary 

GAME.inc? Hahaha. Here is no fun, this is just misery, failure and dead ally!

Ko o kome sokol o saveznicima. Čovik koji ima najveći broj ta medalja u ciloj igri

Hail GAME.inc ο7 Ζωη του κερατα !!!!!