The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 25 Dec 2016 15:49 - 7

Hi everybody,
I have just been accepted in the US community and I'm happy to introduce myself.
I am Italian in real life. I live in Florence, and I have visited the US three times. I had a great time during those holidays in New York, New England and South-West: I enjoyed nature, cities, culture, history and people.
When I decided to leave Italy, to change something in my game, my first choice was Usa and luckily I found nice people that welcomed and helped me to move.
I have been 6 times a congressman in Italy, but I like to consider the whole country community, and not just one party, as my team. I have a few companies that I use mainly to self product weapons, food and houses. Having joined the game several months ago, I have also some strength (almost 7000) to help the country in war. I am not very active in chat but I connect several times every day, so feel free to contact me by pm anytime (just remember I'm in a different time zone).
I'll do my best to help this community and have fun with you. Merry Christmas to all of you, next round of beers is on me!


PalmerTricky Dickdk3dknight

댓글 (7)

Welcome to USA o/ I hope you enjoy it
I m very glad you were accepted, Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Buona fortuna supermaghe o7 a presto!
Rawwwr! o/
Welcome to eUSA
Well, supermaghe you can say it was a no brainer Wink -Chris