국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 30 Dec 2016 15:29 - 49

Department of State
- We plan to continue to uphold our allegiances with the Vae Victis (VV) alliance and play an active, supporting role for the alliance.
- We plan to begin improving our relationships with Neutral nations around the world to ease international tensions surrounding the United States.
- Keep Portugal's Rental Agreements and stay positive towards every rental agreement as long as it doesn’t affect our bonuses.
- With the 6 MPP cap, every MPP is crucial.
Department of Defense
- We will continue to follow VV priorities to stay coordinated with our alliance, and ensure continued success on the battlefield.
- During my term, we will continue to run Arm America (AA), to get large rushes of damage at the end of our battles.
- Government owned Helis company is something I have been contemplating for awhile now. This is something that can’t be pushed back longer.
- With the new naval battle update, we need to find better ways to protect ourselves. We are the only country In-Game that has 100/100/100 in its core regions and am sure many countries would like to occupy our bonuses. This is something I was handling during the end of Bamapana term. Indonesia will occupy a few regions around Maine and Vermont as a base and Taiwan will occupy the regions near California as a base.
- I plan to have a consistent stream of battles to help our citizens gain XP, grow stronger, and achieve medals.
- I will propose to congress a program which will invest in our citizen’s Training Grounds. We will loan x amount of gold to players so they can upgrade their training Ground. The player will have to pay back the gold in the x amount of time. This is a risky path but a country will never move forward if we can’t take risks.
Department of Citizen Affair
- We plan to introduce several new programs to help provide more services for our citizens.
- Encourage more citizens to participate in the eUSA Radio and invite foreign dignitaries for the on-air interview.
- Explore new ways to ignite a baby boom.
- Connect the people and the government as one entity.
- Under my administration, we will be having a weekly White House Press Release (WHPR) articles by the Secretary of Media (SoM)to increase transparency by informing and updating the American citizens on the status of our country and other countries abroad.
- As President, I myself, will write 3-4 updates throughout my term that will focus on our country’s current situation, what my administration has done thus far, and what we plan on doing.
- In all our articles (where appropriate), and in our shout feeds, we will be advertising Discord, and encouraging citizens to make a move to Discord so we can become a more active community that has greater communication and organization.
- To ensure we represent the will of the people, every cabinet member will have a section on the WHPR where they will answer questions to them by citizens of the US and of the world. Answering these questions is a requirement, all secretaries and deputies failing to do so will be suspended from their position.
- We plan to become a more effective government by having the executive more actively involve themselves with congress members to help drive discussions, introduce new ideas, and more.
- We also recommend the citizens to start getting involved with their congressmen. You may not be a congressman yourself, but you may still have a great idea that you think we should implement and p. To achieve this and allow more public participation in government, we encourage citizens to p their ideas onto a current Congressman who will present the bill to the rest of Congress where it will begin the process to becoming law.
Department of Treasury
- Keep our exchange rates to 1 USD = 0.005g and 1g = 201 USD
- Make the USA market more appealing to foreign producers. This is something Jean Epsilon has in mind at his time in USA but never got a chance to see light
The discounts will come soon, and with it arrives an increasing of global Weapon production. I strongly believe we could take profit of it. It’s possible if we open the market for these new, and old, weapon manufacturers, who ask nothing but meeting a demand.
First, we Lower the Import Taxes for Tanks and Helis. If the congress approves of course
Then, If the IT are lowered, we’ll be paying half the license market for USA to foreign producers who might want to sell here, depending on the demand of the products.
Department of Technology
- We need a new DoCA website and next I will be working closely with our Secretary of Citizen Affair and Technology to get a new DoCA website
- Our USA portal is very outdated. We need seriously need a new one. DoCA and DoTech will collaborate to revamp the website.
Immigration Enforcement Service (IES)
- Continue with our current IES infrastructure but make some small changes to smoothen out the process in which immigrants could recieve their citizenship at a much faster pace.

KinyasGrey WindTomiALBZaganos Pashano0bsailbotTricky DickMiltiadosATEHTATOPOTG 4 M p3trOs V E RFallenAngelFallenAngelDiesel댓글 (49)


Revivify America


Good luck Ace 

Good luck


Good luck


All resources will be updated, maybe they will cut your 100/100/100 bonuses.

best of luck

Uuuu Revivify America sounds like Make America Great Again xD



Good Luck !!!

America is a continent 

@Loborojo When you think of America the first thing that pop in your mind is USA so :/ ...... lol

aced it




Good luck bro 

Make America Great Again #Ace4CP 

Good luck on your campaign!

Good luck.Youll needed?. 

no cupcake?

#Make America Great Again!

keep on following
good luck o/


keep continue following don t lose your way o/

Good luck

#Ace4CP o/

ARGENTINA DOES NOT HAVE A WORD http://prntscr.com/dq192s
Argentina is not good,
Bad and Traitors people want to run the country by force and not by democracy.
Please comment in your country and spread it

What do you mean by smoothing the IES process please explain fellow leader or leader for freedom

@spitfireYG Nop, i think in a continent 

Good luck bro! Lead the US towards a more fun path: leaving VV is the only way!

Agreed Demi^^

Agreed ^^


I was taken off my grave with the specific purpose of giving something I was holding to someone and then I saw this article...
I will leave here a couple concerns:
1. If you push the currency value to more than 1g = 200 USD you ll be looking at a non-profit by selling USD and you may actually incur in loss. Don t push this.
2. It is a known fact that PRP leadership recruits immigrants for their party by promising them citizenship. It is something I knew, and it is something a lot of other people know. The mere fact your political party does this in order to gain power is concerning as you may be opening the gates to potential security threats and whatnot. I would assume you ve learned the lesson after 2 PTO attempts but it seems you wish to ease a process that should not be eased.
3. Transparency was never your forte given the reports I ve heard from several people even while I ve been away, particularly regarding making deals with countries without informing correctly the administration. I have no idea how you will do this as President but honestly, if you do get elected you better consider some serious changes of attitude on this front.
All in all, since I am no longer involved in politics I can say whatever I feel I should and I will bluntly say this: I wouldn t vote for you given what I ve mentioned in my concerns and it leaves a clear bad taste in my mouth to know you have no clear opposition. I hope it changes. Now... back to my grave. *tips hat*

Pushing the USD Value to 1g = 200 USD is something that the previous president and governor worked hard to accomplish and it was well received by the population so I decided to continue it. 2) I don’t know where you got the information that PRP leadership recruits immigrant to their party by promising them citizenship but I can guarantee everyone that it’s false. We have not committed such hideous task before or ever. I have no plans to ease immigration security I only have plans to hire more people to the department to help Arith. Previous month it was only Arith and Dk3dknight but I have already talked with Dk and he said he has a RL lot of projects next month and won’t have a lot of time for eRev. So I plan to give Arith a helping hand in case if he ever needs it. 3) Regarding Transparency, I don’t who those several people and what their plans by trying to hinder me but the deals I made with countries were known by the president and were passed on to the government personally by me. The deals did not affect our nation s negatively in anyway. After CP election the person that was going to be Secretary of State disappeared and I have been doing his job since then. I was given full authority by the president. So the deals I made were definitely legal and justified. I am sorry to hear you wouldn’t vote for me if you were here. You were my mentor when I started eRev. YOU KNOW I wouldn’t do anything to hurt the country. YOU KNOW when USA was at its greatest need I did all in my power to make sure we navigated out of the danger. YOU pushed me to run for CP every month. YOU were there when I needed mental support. I don’t know what happened but this isn’t the Abe I knew few months ago. Maybe its because you have a lot of troubles in RL but regardless of that slandering me over few basic point that someone gave you when you came back this afternoon is really not the way you handle things. Find me on Discord and let’s talk this out

I am just going to say that Ace/SpitfireYG has been a loyal Friend/Employee/Cabinet member and more since i have started this game, He has done more things for this country than anyone in United States, when i first started this game he feed me gave me weapons and showed me the ropes. Do i always see eye to eye with him Hell no we have been at odds BUT he can run this Country as good as anyone I Trust him with my Gold my Name and my Country. And BTW I lowered the price of cash to .005 with the approval of everyone in Congress and it has been stable for awhile now if we dont get the money back from Taxes then we can always go back we lost nothing.

That ^
When I joined this game, Spitfire never met me, had no idea who I was, but still sent me hundreds of Q5 food, guns, and tanks, plus a new house. He took me under his wing and showed me how the game worked. He didn t ever press me to join PRP, I did it on my own accord. When I invited friends to the game and they immigrated, he pointed me to the right people to help them get citizenship but never once mentioned that they should join PRP. Ironically, it was those people who were directly in control of the process who asked me to get my friends to join their parties.
AbrahamLincoln I don t know how PRP worked in the past but it definitely doesn t work that way now. Spitfire would never give so much to a random newbie unless he genuinely cared about helping new players and making sure people stay in USA. He s never asked me for anything since.

LOL, how about someone give me an example that we did that stuff? Man, I am not in mood of debate but last time I checked IES controls immigration, not PRP. Meh, I even didnt do that shit when I was SoHS, If I wanted, I could have done it.

Your memory is short then. Should I call Arith here? There were plenty of Congressional logs regarding IES where both you and Ace were implicated in such things and since you both are PRP leadership... I can also mention where Ace constantly pestered Arith to accept this or another citizen that was not yet cleared by the time. Still, as it was said in the radio: claps to Ace for doing it. He managed to consolidate his power from the party perspective, however it is impossible to know to whom these new citizens who got accepted truly are loyal to in the majority of the cases. All in all, if you go too lax on immigration you will be sitting in a mine field which I can 100% guarantee you that will blow up one day and that day, I won t be here to smite and say I told you so.
Lastly, best advice I can give you: Leave Immigration alone. Immigration is NOT under Executive jurisdiction, it is under Congressional one. Only Congress has the authority to dismiss an IES Director, the same way only the IES Director has the authority to pick his own agents. If Arith agrees to whoever you suggest, it s his choice, but you should not be publicly pressing for it and much less pressing to ease a process that may clearly lower the entry security standards.
Oh and Ace, I did push you to run quite a few times, but this isn t a slander. I can say whatever the hell I want because I am retired. I don t give a damn to what happens next, it s not my problem. I am however convening things other people I know for years told me and I have no reason to doubt. Perhaps you should try to address them instead of wasting your time with a dead citizen.

Ok. Thanks for the advise, Abe. And welcome back dudy.

I did push for some citizens to get accepted into the country because I believed they will do some good for the country but I never forced Arith to accept anyone the decision was ultimately left up to him. Arith himself can testify that I didn’t threaten OR force him to accept any immigrant ever before. A) I seriously do not need to be lectured about the threat of PTO both times we tried to get PTOed I was one of the individuals that led the charge against them. The first time we tried to get PTOed I was out of the country and I rushed back to the country after you informed me. The second time I was the one who actually flagged the government and congress that we are about to PTOed. I flagged them a week before it actually happens which gave us time to prepare. Like I have said so many times I don’t plan to change anything about IES other than hiring more people for the department. PRP never consolidated its position through immigration I can assure you that. We got where we are through sweat and blood. Hard work and perseverance. We never FORCED anyone to join us. We never THREATEN anyone to join us. I don’t know where you heard such profanity or how you came to understand that we of PRP are such people but I can assure you the day my party PRP starts doing those things….. I will PERSONALLY dismantle it.

mmmm...the TW is ok, but if you not have any real war in a long time, your people will be a useless in long wars if you loss the iniciative and be invaded.

There isnt a good candidate running for CP who hasn t been verbally prosecuted by a no f**ks giving Abe. He s been a great President and leader, but as a person and player(and i know he s a dead person and doesnt care what I have to say) I could care less for. Despite all his slander that he has given to several candidates - moreso PRP ones -- there is only one that comes to mind that failed to sufficiently do their jobs(i wont mention for their sake), but what I can say is, it wasn t a PRP candidate. SO as a retired and dead player... please stay in the ground. There is so much hate/slander towards PRP as a whole and towards the leadership, despite doing so much for the country, despite not having really any actual evidence towards most things others claim, maybe things would be better if people weren t wasting their time trying to start flame wars. And then, when we want to leave being cause of the uneccessary hate, we are begged to stay/come back and yelled at for wanting to leave... all I know is you don t see PRP members, or leadership doing any of those things unprovoked