The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 전장 분석 - 06 Jan 2017 01:13 - 0


Having no news regarding the new naval update, which will redistribute all the resources, the world is facing the clic calm before the storm. Even the only real open war left in the game, between Brasil and Aliansa (Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Paraguay), has been closed a few days ago.

The ceasefire conditions are:
1.- 30-day ceasefire between the belligerent countries (days 358 - 388).
2.- Commitment to sign NAP between both sides once ceasefire finished.
3.- Negotiation of nigerian regions after the new update and the new bonuses. For the moment Argentina keeps South South States, Brasil controls South West States, North Central States, North West States, North East States.
4.- During ceasefire can be agreed TWs between ALiANSA countries and Brazil, as long as the previous regions are maintained to this ceasefire.
5.- Don’t participate in any RW of the countries involved during the ceasefire.

Brasilian government officially thanked France, Macedonia, Georgia, Romania and USA for their help during the war.

After Ceasefire, no "real" war is currently going on, except Resistance War in occupied countries, as usual. The active battles are part of scheduled Training Wars or countries agreement to lease a region for economical/strategical reasons. We have seen examples of this battles in the US recently: Taiwan got Hawaii, Indonesia crossed North America to settle in New England, and a training war with Canada is going on.

This "world peace" situation is increasing national treasures and stock of weapons, and will probably lead to a "world war" situation after the updates, to get the control of new resources and to give a boost to the economy.

So, if you are bored, just wait: the storm is approaching.

In the meantime, if you have time, have a look at a couple of interesting articles:
USA, Georgia and Romania are the best countries to produce for foreigners.
Denmark ambitions to rule the North.


spitfireYGspitfireYGspitfireYGTricky DickPalmer

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