The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 11 Jan 2017 15:40 - 7


As planned, today the naval warfare update has been implemented.
One of the most important change is the redistribution of resources worldwide.
Five new resources were added to produce warships, and the "old" ones were redistributed.
Also, two new countries (Morocco and Afghanistan) were added to the map, for a total of 10 new regions.
Finally, all the regions are now clified in "Land" and "Coastal". Second ones can be attacked with a naval battle by any other Coastal region in the world, no matter how far they are.

From resources point of view, what changes worldwide? Simple: almost every 100% bonuses are gone.
At the moment there are only two 100% bonuses in the whole world: Brasil has 100% bonus for weapons and Iran has 100% bonus for warships.
Note that, anyway, both of these bonuses are depending on foreign regions currently under their control.

What has changed for USA? Before the update, we had 100% bonus for all the product. Heaven on Earth. Now we still have good bonuses, but we don't have any 100% bonus anymore. Current bonuses are:
Food +80% (missing Fruits)
Weapons +80% (missing Rubber)
Houses +80% (missing Granite)
Warships +60% (missing Aluminium and Uranium)

Where can we find missing resources?

Nearest Fruits regions are the neighboring regions of Yukon (Canada) and Northwest of Mexico (Mexico).
Nearest Rubber regions are in South America: Patagonia (Argentina) and North of Brasil (Brasil).
Nearest Granite region is the neighboring region of Nova Scotia (Canada).
Nearest Aluminium region is Guayana (Venezuela).
Uranium is very uncommon, and one of the nearest region is probably the new Herat region in Afghanistan.

Anyway, having a lot of surplus bonus regions, USA could peacefully exchange them for other countries regions having missing resources.
With the new Airbase installation, any region in the world can be linked to the capital, and this makes regions exchange easier.

Some opportunities?
France has Fruits in two regions (Liguria, Rhone Alps) and Aluminium in two regions (North East of England and Upper Normandy). They miss Sand (that we have in Kentucky, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota).
Georgia has Fruits in two regions (Urals, West Georgia) and Aluminium in two regions (Central Black Earth, Western Siberia). They miss Grain (that we have in Indiana, Michigan), Oil (that we have in Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Utah), and Wood (that we have in Arkansas, Maryland, Montana).
Indonesia has Aluminium in two regions (New South Wales, Sumatra). They miss Sand (that we have in Kentucky, Nebraska, New Mexico and South Dakota).
Iran has Aluminium in two regions (Abu Dhabi, Northern Thailand). They miss Grain (that we have in Indiana, Michigan).

Regarding Coastal regions, USA has a lot of them (more than 10), and this will make warship training and companies very, very important for us.
Serbia has already used the naval battle opportunity to attack USA in New Jersey. Bosnia is approving a war declaration and will start another naval battle tomorrow. This will probably happen often in the future, as almost every nation in the world is now our "naval" neighbour.
Alliances, planning and commitment in the new warfare will define our future. Let's make this challenge an opportunity.



댓글 (7)

+1 Let s make this challenge an opportunity.
I really think that the defense of our country from powerful enemies can boost community spirit, attract new players and make us even more central and important in our alliance. There will be defeats and difficult moment, but we will have fun and, in the end, we shall overcome.
Voted. Yes 10 Coastal regions is too much, it s not a challenge but survival. x)
o7 great article
Georgia threatened Canada so we caved in and gave them Nova Scotia Granite for a mere 35 Gold. You ll have to go looking elsewhere for that bonus.