국가 Slovenia - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 12 Jan 2017 13:05 - 18

So, i have prepared an article for all of you to see how the system of airbases
works, where and how to build them.
The use of Airbases


Where can you build it..
You can build airbases in all regions that are not connected to the core regions of your country. For example if we look at Iran..

All these regions that have No direct transport route to the Capital , have the option to install an airbase in them. This will give you access to that regions resources. Multiple airbases can be built to secure more resources.
I am doneTropicono0bsailbotKavehLajbach댓글 (18)

Lets say we got one coastal region and 3 regions connected to that region. Is it enough If we place Airbase to only one of them or do we need to place all of them?

All of them, if you want to get all of the resources from those regions..

Thanks for this useful article.

o_O very good


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one question what if region which airbase is installed changes owner for example in a RW??will it be destroyed??

Yes, same as it is for hospitals or ds.

good idea

If for example i have 3 regions witch are connected and no one of that 3 regions is not connected with capital and if i set in 1 region airbase will other 2 have connection or i need airbase in all 3 regions?

If for example i have 3 regions witch are connected and no one of that 3 regions is not connected with capital and if i set in 1 region airbase will other 2 have connection or i need airbase in all 3 regions x2 ???

it work on only coastral régions, or to any region?

So ships assault land while planes ship resources across the world. Seems a bit backwards compared to how we actually use an airforce and ships but okay.

@magnus the red and @dreSanu you need to place in all 3 regions ari base if you want resurses

@LeTunisien , any region which have no direct transport route to capital
If you have 3 regions, and want to receive bonuses from all 3, then you will have to install aribase in every region.
@Wilfie , there are no planes
this building just lets you use that regions bonuses if it is not connected to the capitol region (core regions)