The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 전장 분석 - 13 Jan 2017 15:24 - 14

The new naval battles have made easier for stronger armies to start invasions all around the world. Serbian and Bosnian armies are much stronger than US army, and now that they have landed in our coastal regions, they could easily win two land battles every day and wipe USA out of the map in less than three weeks.

BUT... there is a big but.


It is not just about Hulkamania, of course. In this game, you can't simply conquer a nation. There are regions, there are alliances, there are resistance wars and there is math.

USA has 50 regions. If you don't occupy all of them, USA is still on the map and can keep attacking you over and over, every day, like a constant pain that drains your money and damage from other battlefields and from your homeland. Keeping the control of 50 foreign regions, anyway, is really really hard. Expecially if FIFTEEN of them are coastal regions. This means that every single enemy you have in the world can and will attack you, constantly, every day, to drain your naval damage. There could be days in which 15 different countries attack your 15 coastal colonies... and of course there will be also resistance and land battles.

This brings to the second point: Alliances. USA has powerful friends and allies. Some of them are already in our territories (Indonesia, Portugal and Taiwan). Of course they can't focus on defending us every day, but for sure they can't allow an enemy to control important resources in their alliance territories. Serbians and Bosnians can beat our army and invade USA? Yes. But can they beat our entire alliance and control some of our important regions and resources?

Third point is maybe the less difficult to manage, but it adds problems, anyway. US citizen can start a resistance war every two days. Not a big issue for enemies, but they will have to spend some damage and money also for this.

Last but not least, the worst enemy of every invasion army: math. The game is all about having more money and more damage to spend. If you have to face every day naval battles, land battles, resistance battles, all ending at different times... you need to be organized, to spend a lot of money and gold for weapons, to wisely decide priorities every day. You can and you will make mistake. You can and you will be criticized by your own citizens. All these problems are there also for our alliance, of course, but when you are fighting to repel an invader, each of your citizen has better motivation and makes things easier.

Also, don't forget an important point in the new "colonial" warfare: airbases. You can invade enemies for fun, but it usually does not last long. It simply costs too much. Invading an enemy to take a missing resource can be much more worth it. Tomorrow Serbia will probably control three new resources regions, for a total of +20% production bonus for warships and +10% for weapons. These are nice bonuses to have, but not much. Many of their enemies have better bonuses for free. The real deal would be to have +20% for each region. This would make the war worth it. But to do that, you have to build an airbase. Nice improvement, but it costs 50 gold + 100000 house materials, that in Serbia cost about 8.200 RSD, 43 gold. Total 93 gold. Every month, for every colonial region. For just these three regions Serbia is conquering, it would mean almost 300 gold every month. Sum this cost to the cost of the weapons to constantly defend these regions, because they are not yours and if you loose them for just one day, the airbase is gone and you need to spend 93 more gold. Headache.


So, to summarize: yes, Serbia and Bosnia are winning their battles and will probably win more of them. Their army is too strong compared
to ours. But in the end they will have to face the higher law of every computer game: math. Math is making them winning battles, math will make them loose the war. In the meantime, we will have enemies to fight, a good reason to fight and a lot of fun. Let's enjoy this war, no real lives or houses will be destroyed, and it is something we will always remember. United we stand.


Tricky Dick

댓글 (14)

you can not start RWs everyday.USA can have onlyone RW (for its own freedom) at a time, and after that, even when won, must wait 24 hours. so it is only one battle against two enemies every two days...
Thanks Rothbart, I m editing the article to correct!
Math, my worst enemy in the school (?)
besides, we have to protect hubba hubba in da bikini
If you think 15 coastal regions can be headache, you wont like to hear that wormholes connecting regions in various dimensions of time and space will be part of the next update. Having to simultaneous defend every region in both the past and future at the same time will take some clever strategizing.
@FranConejo, same here. @Wilfie, I thought that next year they would implement air warfare, but your scenario is more fun.
cmon guys, please try to do something, you are making to easy for us Laugh let it make 3x1 to be funny Cheeky
@Filip89, according erev tools, Serbia+Bosnia have 384 active players, versus 55 active players in USA. Serbia+Bosnia damage power is 13 million, USA is less than 2 million. How did you expect this to be a balanced war? :-) Anyway, I expect this to be a long war and that in the end we will have most of our core regions back. Anyway, I m glad that we have finally have something to care about, the game was boring during last weeks.
call allies mate Smile
I think our government has already done that, I m not expecting them to focus immediately on our battles, but the time will come. We have 50 regions and surplus of many resources, I guess our allies will be happier to share them with us than to let them to you :-)
bravo fiorentino Smile lets fun