국가 Turkey - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 20 Jan 2017 12:35 - 65
Hi duckers ㄥo
As some of you know, I was banned temporary (for 24 hours) two days ago. Yeah I know it is really something petty for writing article about it... No actually it is not, especially someone brokes your rights, someone who bans and mutes people randomly, bans without reason, someone who called as moderator... You know when you tolerate violations, next one could be you right? In the end, it always comes for you...
Ok, everything started with trolling about ❤️ stuff, like this one (it was a good night);

And I said duck cakiMK here, (ducking is a kaveh thing actually, everybody knows...)

I thought cakiMK has a good sense of humor, that is my mistake... After that I got banned for 24 hours. I sent a mail, here an answer from cakiMK (that was only answer from him, I asked from discord, from game, from gmail again... I couldn't get even a little answer) ;

I censored because it is a cakiMKs personal infarmation there (thx Auriel for reminding me games rules ㄥo). These screenshots are from the mail;

He say, I insulted admin by saying him incompetent? really? Is this your critisim understanding? Well, lets say incompetent is an insult, why I got ban for that after one week? Let me show you why;

Yeah you saw that, no comment... All I was saying is "DUCK"... You can say duck to kaveh that is legal but you cant say it to mods. Only Biskvit can say duck to his mods... just lol.
Look they are joking, How cute are they, right? ^^

It was not just about me, some of my friends who support me, muted that night 22inch, Hakonarson and vooz (these are just people who informed me);

After all, I dont care they can ban me again or not, because I saw these that day (this is first time I saw chat clear from traders by the way :) ;

That was my best day in erev guys which I was out :) I can not express my feelings when I saw these screenshots. Hail whole trol family :) By the way thanks for screenshots to Silent Scream, 22inch, vooz, Peaky Blinder, and eGermany discord family ㄥo
P.S; Please keep your political struggles away from this. All I want is a little sensible answer about why I was banned, still waiting...
In memory of SSFamily ㄥo
As some of you know, I was banned temporary (for 24 hours) two days ago. Yeah I know it is really something petty for writing article about it... No actually it is not, especially someone brokes your rights, someone who bans and mutes people randomly, bans without reason, someone who called as moderator... You know when you tolerate violations, next one could be you right? In the end, it always comes for you...
Ok, everything started with trolling about ❤️ stuff, like this one (it was a good night);

And I said duck cakiMK here, (ducking is a kaveh thing actually, everybody knows...)

I thought cakiMK has a good sense of humor, that is my mistake... After that I got banned for 24 hours. I sent a mail, here an answer from cakiMK (that was only answer from him, I asked from discord, from game, from gmail again... I couldn't get even a little answer) ;

I censored because it is a cakiMKs personal infarmation there (thx Auriel for reminding me games rules ㄥo). These screenshots are from the mail;

He say, I insulted admin by saying him incompetent? really? Is this your critisim understanding? Well, lets say incompetent is an insult, why I got ban for that after one week? Let me show you why;

Yeah you saw that, no comment... All I was saying is "DUCK"... You can say duck to kaveh that is legal but you cant say it to mods. Only Biskvit can say duck to his mods... just lol.
Look they are joking, How cute are they, right? ^^

It was not just about me, some of my friends who support me, muted that night 22inch, Hakonarson and vooz (these are just people who informed me);

After all, I dont care they can ban me again or not, because I saw these that day (this is first time I saw chat clear from traders by the way :) ;

That was my best day in erev guys which I was out :) I can not express my feelings when I saw these screenshots. Hail whole trol family :) By the way thanks for screenshots to Silent Scream, 22inch, vooz, Peaky Blinder, and eGermany discord family ㄥo
P.S; Please keep your political struggles away from this. All I want is a little sensible answer about why I was banned, still waiting...
In memory of SSFamily ㄥo
nakituminayashiPeakyAgoriaTheKamKo22inchAkaKarajaKavehCaptain HarlockNikola RSBelegurSharinganAnonymous Hero댓글 (65)




duck duck duck

Hail Sultan o/

o7 voted

There is Asmin in article, so I must endorse it 

Unban eSultan! #saynotoracismadmins

auck fdmin


Quack Quack tarados.

Okumayın banlandım 

You were banned because of me! Provoking admins is violations of the rules, continue and I will permanent ban you and that is a promise - you can ask others when I promise something

welcome back

Why did the Duck cross the road.....He wanted to Fuck the Chicken!!!

@Fr3kMen I did not provoke anyone in the beginning, before I got ban. After ban, maybe you are right but you could show me where I provoked, in the beginning


You have support.erevgame.com
I hate when I see some one making him like sheriff..you can writte million articles but when I see some one attack my Moderators - my right hand it gets personal! So remember my words, play normal, make jokes, but leave Moderators

I am not making myself like sheriff, Is this middle ages? I am just defending my right. Dont forget, everybody has right to defend his/her rights! Even sheriff, even a random villager, even Obama...

So use support.erevgame.com
You can defend them as much as you want, but calling moderator a duck, calling admins incompetent is not right so as you are defending your right, we are defending ours..
My last comment on this topic..Just remember there are some limits you can not go above them, not even if 100 people shout unban you or anybody else

Poor logical activity... but who? Mod or sultan? You know my little pony 

Fr3kMen I already wait an answer from your gmail account, about 2 days... You guys left me no choice. me and about duck and incompetent words, I wrote in article, pls read it. Still, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, really. http://prntscr.com/dy96xp

except if that 100 people are turks

If you think provoking a mod is not a good enough reason for ban, try telling them a joke they dont find funny

ünlü olamamışım 

CakiMK is the worst moderator l fully support you

#ban Sultan

sometimes I deserve it, I know :/

Hail Sultan

v57 yat hadi 

Votedz but can t read right now

No vote and unsub there is no my picture where i said UNBAN MY BROTHER SULTAN !!!!

bro I couldn t see them in the game, others sent me that screenshots
( And I know you always support me no need to ss

Vengo a figurar

v XD

Fr3k vs Sultan 

Duck this shit xD

Gr8 toilette (no2) materijal

sultan duck of ducks all hail sultan o/

cCc Sulban is TURK cCc

Vote and support for Sultan. Moderator made mistake and Admin is covering him now. They could warn you first, but they didn t. I think they are losing nervous. You should cool down, don t exaggerate every time with this so called insults. I know that you are pissed off because you lose control over the game and you can not pleased your favourite, spoiled players who thinks that VISA is answer for everything ;-)

Just finished my morning coffee and doing no2 ritual on the toilette while scrolling trough your creative published text...and it is working just like i thought so. Thank you Sultan, yo the best lacsative


don t worry and go ahead Sultan

Levi I know I lost my control and made some mistakes after this happenings, I am calm now and happy to see people understood me

In memory of SSFamily ㄥo

Duck this game. Its a ducking game. Dnban Dultan!

Sultan, I was not talking about you ;-) I did it on purpose, ofc :-)

Yeah I get it but I lost my control somewhere, too
but they started it 

Hail Sultan o/

ya sultan başa ya kuzgun leşe xd o7

Bu arada ismin kullanılmış telif hakı istiyorum o7

Sultana uzanan ellerin canı cehenneme 

Hep destek. Tam destek
#size sayip sesleniyorum sayip çıkalım sultana 😎😎

That was a good answer to the message, even though it was an insult LOL

ALV Admin :v

It is almost like a love story and you are the great writer, thanks.

Keep calm and hail Sultan

Jebo ti sve svoje nisam lud da citam tvoj roman

thank you guys for your lovely thoughts ㄥo güzel düşünceleriniz için hepinize teşekkürler arkadaşlar ㄥo

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