The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 21 Jan 2017 11:02 - 8


If you prefer brunettes or just want to see more bikinis, READ THE ARTICLE and you will find more at the end ;-)


Dear American Citizens,
in these days we are all focused on fighting to free our great Country from the Serbian army invasion. Anyway, eRevollution is more than a plain war game, and we can have fun also being a part of the political life of our country. There are several parties available, and being a part of the People's Revolutionary Party, I am happy to invite all of you to join us.

Why? Because we are friendly, we are open and we are happy to share responsabilities with new members, if they are willing to.
We have expert players that can help you, we are serious when we work for US community, and we also like to have fun. A lot.

I personally joined US community a month ago, and here I am, writing an article as Party Spokeperson. This proves how friendly and open this party is!
Moreover, we can really help you in the political part of this game. Just consider that we have the current President of the United States in game. And, as you can see below in roles list pictures, he has also better hair than the real one.

If you want to know our political platform, check our Party Platform here.
If you are curious about our founding values, check our Party Constitution here.
If you want to talk with us and enjoy our welcome, join our Discord Server here (DTJAHWe).

Also, feel free to contact any of us, to have more information or help. The current roles are:

Chairman: EddieA
Vice Chairman: EdgarFigaro
Secretary General: SpitfireYG
Counciller: Diesel
Spokeperson: Supermaghe

Revolutionary Committee voting members: SpitfireYG, EddieA, Hoss1965, Thomas Killah, Supermaghe
Non voting member: Diesel
Party Founders: EddieA, SpitfireYG, RedArmy and QuasiByte

So, to recap:
If you are a new player, join us: we are friendly, willing to help and we like to have fun.
If you are an expert player, join us: we have experience to share, we are in the US Congress and we are currently governing the country.
If you are thinking about inviting friends and new players to the game, join us and invite them: this is the best moment to join the game, thanks to the new naval warfare module and to the liberation war that we are fighting in our Country.

And, as promised...




댓글 (8)

Hmmm friendly and that most of them dont attend the RPG that DOCA used to organize too much of power to one person and no proper nomination. Seems to be a good offer to be true sign me up
Great article supermaghe! The PRP is blessed to have you as their voice!
PRP rocks o/
I am a true fan of your articles, PrP are lucky to have you
PRP forever funny Laugh
Like pEpsi said, PRP rocks.