국가 Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 06 Feb 2016 03:52 - 79


Today I'm starting a debate on "Macedonia is Greek" claims. 

So let's start from prehistory. Since the prehistory the territory of Republic of Macedonia and the territory of Hellens were lated by different tribes. On Macedonian  territory there were: Briges, Pelagons, Ancient Macedonians, Payons, Edons (not spelled correctly because idk how to say from Macedonian). On Greek territory there were Aeoleans, Ionians, Dorians ( I know only these probably because I give a about Greeks really ). Macedonian tribes were united in fights & mostly they were defending themselves from Ilyrians and Hellens attacking. 
What does this mean? (Ancient) Macedonians ≠ Hellens.

I've seen many talkings about how Ancient Macedonians are more similiar to Hellens than current Macedonians. 
There are Greeks claiming that ancient Macedonians were speaking Hellenic. I may ensure you that this is the most stupid and nonsense claim. You won't find a god ed source or a book where it says that Ancient Macedonians were speaking Hellenic, but the opposite, they had their own language, culture, way of fighting, clothes. I've read in several books that the Ancient Macedonian language was something like a modified version of Ilyrian, which tells us that, there's no logic that Macedonians spoke Hellenic.
Double conclusion: (Ancient) Macedonians ≠ Hellens. + (Ancient) Macedonian language ≠ Hellenic language. 

Now this is one of the rare but logical ( of the most nonlogical ) claims. Greeks are blaming the current Macedonians that they're Slavic and they have no connection to the Ancient Macedonians. I've seen many talkings about how Ancient Macedonians are more similiar to Hellens than current Macedonians, but read what I've said above. All I can say is that, the current Macedonians are mix of Slavs and Ancient Macedonians. Ancient Macedonians were getting extincted while they were returning from their conquers in India. 1/4 of the Ancient Macedonia reached their final location aka Persia and married there. 2/4 died from malaria and different diseases. The low number left, returned to Republic of Macedonia territories. During all this time, Macedonians were getting attacked by Hellens and Hellenic alliances (which Hellens were creating to fight Macedonia ) Slavs reached balkan (just as Republic of Macedonia) and inter-bred with Ancient Macedonians. 
Conclusion: (Ancient) Macedonians ≠ Hellens.

So let's just state what Greek logic looks alike:
->Alexander III of Macedon is a Greek/Hellen while both of his parents are ancient Macedonians.
->Alexander III of Macedon is a Hellen which fought against Hellens and conquered them.
->Ancient Macedonians are Greek, they are more similar to us! 

Well done, Greeks, your logic... is...

Interesting fact: 
A village in Iran is having origins from the Ancient Macedonians, just like the culture and the outside look. These may be the very few ancient Macedonians left on the world.



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DEBATE The truth behind Macedonia is Greek -
Epic video on end from epic movie Laugh
& before somebody starts bullshiting about what Macedonia means. Yes I know what does it mean. It's coming from 2 Greek words and thats a fact, however, it's not even 1% valid reason to claim how Macedonian kings were Greek, neither, Macedonia is Greek.
big vote , nice history lesson Smile o7
Не знам што се замараш да докажуваш нешто што е логично... Тоа ти е исто како да се обидеш да докажеш дека 1 + 1 = 2...
Сум бил инволвиран во вакви аргументи безброј пати. Македонски форуми, Реп, итн. Не ми беше некој проблем да го изнапишам сето ова во 15 минути Laugh
Nice propaganda. I am so sorry about your poor history. But Yes Macedonia is Greek, Alexander the Great was Greek!
I have a neighbour that was in a village in Tibet.People there claim that they are Macedonians and they use a good percent of today's Macedonian language. Aristotle called Alexander a barbarian. Macedonian army was terribly different from any other hellenic states. Alexander the Great loved the culture of others,hellenic ( not greek),egyptian,persian,indian. Alexander the Great in some occasions spoke hellenic because hellenic language in that period was used by many other countries ( like we use english today- it doesn't mean we are english too ). You can read this in any old usefull books even if they are greek.Think a little greeks your propaganda is made just so your islands and resources can be taken more easily by Europe and USA .
Ancient Macedonians maybe ware not being accepted by than Greek city stats as Greek, but fact is also that ancient Macedonians wanted to be part of than Greek culture and seen them selfs as Greek. No offense to today Macedonians, but you have no connection to that Macedonians. You are descendants of Slavs, like my self, im Serb, and Macedonians today belong to Serbian tribes ruled for years by Bulgars who ware also assimilated by Slavic tribes as their origins are not Slavic. If you say that Alexander wasnt greek and thats false greek propaganda, fact is that Alexander was more GREEK than Slav and that makes your claim way nothing more than sci-fi. No offense menth to our southern brothers but you are not ancient macedonians, you and me are more blood related than you are with any of ancient macedon people.
Sorry guys, we are allies in this game, but we all know that there is a lot of nonsens here. If you claim that (Ancient) Macedonians were not Hellens, you definitly cannot claim that they were Slavs either, such you and other people form todays Macedonia. Storeis about mix of Slavs and Ancient Macedonians are biggest bolshit I've heard so far about all od this. Let's for one, devide game from rl. As I say before, we're still allies here, and enemies with Greece. P.S. Athens and Sparta, were in war also, but still - both greek/hellen. One more thing. If you want a DEBATE, dont insult oposite side. And read some rules about debate.
TopSecret, by what logic is Alexander III of Macedon Greek, explanations please. Macedonians belonging to Serbian tribes? What an autistic cunt, you should go and suicide asap
Forgot to add, your statement that today Macedonians are mixure of slavs and ancient macedonians are same as if serbs start claiming anciestory from iliriyans or celts. Im sure that in some way we are all connected , depending how far we go, but you have slavic culture, language and way of life, and that is what determent's who and what nation is. IF im wrong about where today Macedonians come from, find one historical evidence of your claim other than living in area where ancient macedonia was.
If l am president l will brake all the aliances then. When slavs arrived to the balcan they invaded Bulgaria.Bulgaria got it's name by slavs. When they arrived in Macedonia,Ancient Macedonias were less in numbers than slavs they tried hiding in the mountains and they kept Solun safe.They lived differently but too many years passed and then Ancient Macedonians were forced to accept slavic culture and PART of it's language.We are still 50% Macedonians 50% Slavs while the other people on the balcan are pure slavs cause there were no ancient countries there.
TopSecret, I never mentioned that the current Macedonians are not slavs but Ancient Macedonians?? I never denied the fact that we're slavic culture, I just proven you how ancient Macedonians were way different from Hellens back then and how there's no logical explanation of Alexander being Greek, because that explanation doesn't exist lol Yes,current Macedonians are slavs, but the ancient Macedonians have nothing to do with Hellens, thats the thing.
Orkan, Macedonians today are slavs, i never said all are desendends of serbs but some are. And you are more of serbs than Ancient Macedonians. And insted of insulting, prove your point that today Macedonians have more incomon with ancient Macedon than slavs. What makes you thing that before slavs came to Balkan Greek settlers couldnt move up and mix with ancient Macedonians first? @Sharingan, if you are president... are you saying you are ashamed of your slav origin. Why dont you take greek language as well ?
@orkan, i agree there, ancient macedons ware seen by rest of greece as outsiders and not as greek. All im saying, greece has bigger claim on ancient macedon than today macedonia, and im sorry if this offends you. I see Macedonians (today madeconians) as my country man, and what i dont understand is why being ashamed of what you are.... Be proud of your self, no matter what and where you come from o7
TopSecret, I never said that today's Macedonians have more incommon with Ancient Macedonians, ancient Macedonians are f*cking called ancient for a reason. How would Greek settlers move to Macedonia while they were conquered by us, I may say, while being god damn slaves in Macedonia. You're either too dumb, either haven't read the article and bulshitting without knowing what do we talk on. "Greece has bigger claim on Ancient Macedonians than today's Macedonians". I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND YOUR LOGIC LMAO. I MEAN, JUST READ THE F*CKING ARTICLE IT'D TAKE LIKE 5 MINS FROM YOUR TIME, THEN TALK SHIT.
Orkan If you stole the name of Macedonia, it doesnt mean you have bigger claim on ancient macedon than greeks. And find rules of debate, if you call this debate, and stop insult other side. Also there is Macedonia in Greece still.
@TopSecret Firstly l am proud of my ancient origins and after l am proud of my slavic culture because Kiril and Metodij ( Macedonians ) gave you a language to speak. Also use books or google check the Ancient Macedonian language,check the words that are still the same in our language.We gave the roots to the words you speak now so stfy and be thankfull
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΕΣ, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΣ, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΔΑ, ΒΟΥΚΕΦΑΛΑΣ, ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΩΝ, ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ κ.λπ. Only a Greek can read and understand the meaning of that names. All the others "arguments" are for those who learning history from ...Hollywood productions...
@TopSecret Firstly l am proud of my ancient origins and after l am proud of my slavic culture because Kiril and Metodij ( Macedonians ) gave you a language to speak. Also use books or google check the Ancient Macedonian language,check the words that are still the same in our language.We gave the roots to the words you speak now so stfy and be thankfull
@katarzal, get your fact straights. The ancient Macedonis may of have stolen 2 words from your language to call themselves Macedonians, but not the name. @Seiros you actually have some shitty sense of humour rofl
unhistorical BS. But you are excused. This is what you are been teaching in your schools for 60 years now, even since Tito decided to name you after a Greek region's name. This BS can be found only in your books. The rest of the world has the right piece of history. Bye.
@ktab Tito naming us Macedonia? Suicide is the solution for you! Bye Kiss
@SEIRIOS are you trying to look smart ? If indian writes these names on indian of course that only indians will understand it.And if you try to say that you speak the same hellenic language trust me you don't.greek language is different
I agree with most of the things but phillip of macedon was full bloded Macedonian. Alexander wasnt because he wad mixture of father macedonian mothet greek. Anothet this is thay YES they were speaking hellenic thats true. We had culture,history everything macedonian except language. Btw im just wondering how the fuck greeks claim that they were greeks when they conquer your fucking land and killing your people thats the same like the ISRAELIANS/JEWISH people to say that HITLER was ISRAELIAN/JEWISH there is no sense
No you were named after this even before your Slav anchestors decided to come to Balkans and resident the Greek region of Macedonia. Correct. Now take a big rock, hang it strong and dive into Vardar river.
@SEIRIOS are you trying to look smart ? If indian writes these names on indian of course that only indians will understand it.And if you try to say that you speak the same hellenic language trust me you don't.greek language is different
ahahahaha! you made me laugh once again!
The Macedonians (Greek: Μακεδόνες, Makedónes) were an ancient tribe that lived on the alluvial plain around the rivers Haliacmon and lower Axios in the northeastern part of the Greek peninsula. Essentially an ancient Greek people,[1] they gradually expanded from their homeland along the Haliacmon valley on the northern edge of the Greek world, absorbing or driving out neighbouring tribes, primarily Thracian and Illyrian.[2][3]
I don't need to argue with you cause i am really bored of that issue so i will just state something.Spartans were fighting Athenians. Thebe was fighting Athenians too. So according to what you have written 2 of these tribes were not Hellenic. Also in the stories Alexander was always starting with the phrase we Hellenes. No offense just pointing some stuff. I really don't want to argue with anyone cause i am sick of that thing in every game
@ktab we fought for years against so many propagandas but you can still see Macedonia alive and it will be like that for long.Vardar is a dirty river that goes directly to your dirty aegean sea and then you dive in it. Also if you are sure about your history why you was forced to kill or make Macedonians from Solun leave their homes ? why the fck dont you admit that you received as a reward our territory thanks to the Bucharest treaty ? It was unreal contract but it happened at least admit it ....
SpyrosB true that they fought but did Macedonia ever join the hellenic council ? Also those speaches you talk about,it maybe happened when Alexander occupied hellada and asked the soldiers for help against Persia Wink Anyway Alexander used to speak greek too cause in that time greek culture was widly spread and its language was nessesary to be understood in other countries
So now it's time for History Lesson about this small area of the planet that miracles were born. Greek peninsula. The so called Hellenes is actually a mixture of Hellenic and proto-Hellenic tribes. Proto-Hellenic Pelasgians, Minoans, Mycenaeans e.c.t. after invaded by Hellenic tribes of Doreans (part of them Spartans and also Macedonians) Ionians (Turks name Greeks Yunan after them: their first contact with Greeks were with Ionians at Minor Asia. Yunan=Ionian). One nation different tribal origins. Hellenes were never actually saw each other as "nation". Instead they were always fighting each other when not fighting united against Persian Empire. Major civil wars took place these ages. Fighting each other was like national sport. The first time when Greeks saw each other as "nation" was after liberation war against Ottoman empire, late 19th century. Sharigan, I'm from Minoans, Cretan Sea, so no worries about your pollution down here hehehehehe
SpyrosB true that they fought but did Macedonia ever join the hellenic council ? Also those speaches you talk about,it maybe happened when Alexander occupied hellada and asked the soldiers for help against Persia Wink Anyway Alexander used to speak greek too cause in that time greek culture was widly spread and its language was nessesary to be understood in other countries
@ktab l asked you something answer it and we talk about your tribes and everything don't worry l will answer
@ktab l asked you something answer it and we talk about your tribes and everything don't worry l will answer
@orkan, you said how could greek colonize centra balkan , as you said they ware invaded by slavs, well slavs came to balkan about 1000y after Aleksandar the Great. There is no point discussing stuff with you as its obvious that you first have no clue about history nor that you put any valid argument to back up your claim . Example is "they ware invaded by us" as what you are saying 1000 years wasnt enough..
You are talking about Balkan wars. Macedonia by then was a multicultural area, consisting of Macedonians (since they all were habitants of the region of Macedonia) of different nations. Greeks, Slavs, Bulgarians (like you), Turks, Hebrew and more. These dark ages, (that last till now) enforced by extreme nationalism and hate against each other, turned neighbour against neighbour, people of the same town against their folks. Just because they were different nation. So there were atrocities by all sides, one day allied with one and the other with another, just to achieve ethnic cleansing. For good or worse, Greeks finally won over the other nationalities. Worse if you ask my opinion, as I hate war especially if you kill the other because he's different than you. Stupid. In any case, this does not make you ancient Macedonians, ancient Macedonians were purely Greeks, they were Dorians.
I love how every region of the RL world has it's little problems.
Fact is ancient macedonians are not slavs, today macedonians are, and have nothing to do with history of ancient macedonia. As one greek "enemy" pointed out how ware "new macedonians" called just 100 years ago?? what about 500y? or even 1000y ago?? find one historical evidence about macedonian people from 700y ago.. you will ether find Bulgars, Serbs or some slavic name, or greek, but not one will refer to macedonians. As before slav moved to balkan those people living there ware already known as guess what?? --- GREEK
I just cannot keep this arguement since you're all running off the theme. That f*cking ancient Macedonians existed 1000y after Alexander III, yes, there are other f*cking Macedonian after Alexander III, yes. Ancient Macedonians were getting extincted while returning from India, but those 1000years period are enough to double or even triple their number. The fact that some of the other kings weren't experienced is not anybody's problem, which means, Ancient Macedonians were almost fully extinct. Slavs inter-bred with ancient Macedonians. They have the right to claim that Alexander III was their king as well if they accepted Ancient Macedonians and their culture. Slavs are just another race, not f*cking aliens which fell from the sky on Macedonian territory. You may say that they're different if they fought and totally extincted ancient Macedonians and tribes there. However, through all this useless arguements which almost went on another theme, there's no logical way that ancient Macedonians were Greek. >_<
Tratzik. Just read the fast track history lessons above and stop be misinformed. Before Slavs there were Romans, that invaded the Macedonian land. Vandals, Huns, every raging tribe invading East Roman Empire, since the invasion of Slavs and Bulgarians around 5th century AD. In any case many have passed from the area, but the ones that actually remained from ancient Macedonians, were the Greek aboriginals. These could be recognised by the language (Greek) and customs they kept on having, originating from ancient era.
@ktab Greece didn't win against it's neighbours.Greece Serbia Bulgaria Albania helped Macedonia to achieve freedom.The price of the freedom was that we have half of the territory we used to have.Answer me on this question,why you cheated to get our territories and then kill or move out all the Macedonians from that region and popullate it with greeks ( not hellas )
Sharingan you too, unhistorical. I don't blame you, I have to be honest. As i told before, so many years of propaganda and misrepresentation of history, have affected all people there. I can understand it, but I'm obligated to state true facts. Sorry. And facts are that there were 2 Balkan wars 1912-1913, 1st war allies were Greece-Serbia-Bulgaria-MonteNegro against Ottoman empire, where they liberated Macedonia and Thrace. After this there were arguments about split of liberated lands, where Bulgaria stood alone against Serbia-Greece. After the outbrake of this war, Turkey and Romania entered this war against Bulgaria too. Bulgaria lost. This is the short history of Balkan wars. No Macedonian nation, no Macedonia state, nothing.
Yes they liberated Solun and whose city is Solun ? Macedonian,city of Republic of Macedonia.I have pretty old maps of our borders gonna send you a pic later l am busy atm
Thessaloniki was established by Greeks, Macedonian Greeks at 315 BC by king Kassandros and it belonged to it's habitants by the time you say. There was going to be NO MACEDONIAN STATE. The argument between wining allies (Serbs-Greeks-Bulgarians) was about the territories of Macedonia and Thrace where Bulgarians claimed almost all, this is why 2nd Balkan war was triggered. It was a war between Serbs and Greeks against BULGARIANS. Not "Macedonians" the way you mean it, slavomacedonians to me. Cannot say it simpler than that. This and out o/
Ah, about the population, since I owe you this answer, you are right. By the time Macedonia was attached to Greek state, and after the slaughter and persecution of Greek population by Neo-Turks from Trabzon and Kars, Pontic Greek refugees were sent to Macedonia among other regions of Greece to get established. This altered the percentage of Greek population in Macedonia. Still there are villages where population speaks "Makedonitika" a slavic dialect (have visited some of them while I was studing at Thessaloniki ehmm... years ago Cheeky as I had a friend originating from there). Fact remains, that there is NO macedonian nation, as there is no Cretan nation, no Thessaly nation ect. You are of slavic origin and more accurate, Bulgarian origin, and you are Macedonians like every other nationality that lives in Macedonia is Macedonian. You certainly do not own the name, you are rather guest to this name.
This is a message to everyone that commented here: Do you seriously think the time spent here will change anything? This is not an insult btw, just pointing out that this is pointless, same like discussion between atheist and religious person...
Greeks celebrating Alexander = Jews celebrating Adolf
Thanks Plato
i love it... Laugh so after the kosovo article and this article we just need a article from ukraine about russia like "krim is ukraine" and we have the 3 big topics done in this game... Smile
its funny to me, as in old Yugoslavia, in history books, Aleksandar Makedonski, or Alexander the Great, was Macedonian (greek), and that today Macedonia has nothing to do with ancient one... how things have changed since 90s.. suddenly slavs are descendent of Macedonian greeks Laugh Again i dont mean to offend my SLAVIC b are more SLAVIC than Bulgars, as by your logic, Bulgars can claim dependency from Trace, Ser Illirya (what albnians are trying to do).. fek by logic of today Macedonians, all Americans are actually native Americans that ages ago all lived in Congo ..
you know what, honestly i heard about this claim that today macedonians are claiming to be desendents of Macedonian Greeks, i just couldnt believe it. I just thought that greeks are pissed just because of name of Macedonia.. now i really see why.. As Njegos once said Crnogorci i Srbi su isto voce na dve grane (who understand he will know what it means). Time to get popcorn, and enjoy this V&S o7
@ktab l am talking about the milion of Macedonians moved out from Solun to Australia,Kanada,USA,Brazil etc just so they can't say that they are Macedonians.They were killed and moved out by greece ( no turks in that time ) go and ask the Macedonian poppulation in these countries and see the answer.
what era are you talking about Sharingan? And obviously there never was "1 million", if they were that many they would have won 2nd Balkan war for Bulgaria. If you are talking about post-WW2 and Greek civil war, you should know that not only slavomacedonians but Greek too, left and communist Greeks were forced to leave from their home to avoid the slaughter by fascist Greek and their English allies that won Greek civil war.
With the above, what I want to say is that persecutions took place at Epirus and Macedonia (there was the strongholds of Democratic army) by Nationalist Army were political cleansing. Not national. All Slavomacedonians like all Greeks that were not fighting or helping Democratic Army stayed at their homes. The rest abandoned Greece to avoid massacre.
To be honest no one is decedant of ancient macedonians in modern days. All of your claims is based on you propaganda...
again cheap propaganda in a game? Pathetic
_/ => this is empty cup of care, about all the issues we have between in RL. Its stupid to prove here somthing, when our fathers didnt menage to settle this problem like years and years. Cheers
Macedonians in Solun were tricked to fight then used and thrown away.You say they are slavs no that were half Ancient Macedonians half slavs.When slavs invaded the balkan Solun and mountain villages were used as a hideout by Ancient Macedonians especialy Solun.And l am not talking about greeks that were killed l am talking about Macedonians that were killed or that now live in Australia,Kanada etc. They speak Macedonian not greek.
You have nothing to do with ancient Macedonians that were Greek tribe, Dorians. Forget about this. "villages were used as a hideout by Ancient Macedonians" dear god, you really believe this bs, please tell me that you don't. "And l am not talking about greeks that were killed " The Greeks from Macedonia are Macedonians. The Slavs from Macedonia, are Macedonians. Macedonian is the habitant of Macedonia region. What you are talking about then, is Slavomacedonians a "nation" the same way Americans today are "nation" too. You just throw away your slavic past, a past of courageous, brave and strong men, to try and steal the history of others just to prove what, really? And to whom? You really think that claiming the Greek region of Macedonia will make any difference to you? Who are you trying to fool? You cannot even manage you current territories with the Albanian minority problems. It's time for you to let propaganda and lies pass away, and look into the problems your state has. Unemployment, corrupted politicians ect ect, that spend people's money to build huge monuments of... nothing. In that way, I must admit that we are similar... we too have useless politicians that build monuments in their accounts in off-shore banks while people suffering.
"Macedonians in Solun were tricked to fight then used and thrown away" in a civil war, in a war between democratic and nationalist army one cannot be used. One may choose sides. Like you say to me that in Spanish civil war people were fooled to fight against Franco and his fascists... Your whole text implies that you just consume the cheap propaganda that they feed you without filtering anything at all. Reconsider and take a second look at everything I have written above and my previous comments. Always friendly Smile
Dorians ? Hmm l quess l need to go more deeper in the history even thought l don't have time to spend on this game.Before Ancient Macedonia was created there were 2 parts southern ( Solun ) and northern ( today Republic of Macedonia).There were many tribes living there ( they are written in this article ) After their union Ancient Macedonia was created.Fact is that too many propagandas were making influence so we don't prove that Solun is ours.Greeks were forcing southern parts to study on greek,eastern on bulgarian,northern on serbian.(ottoman period/after ottoman period) Tell me why 1.Aristotle calls Alexander a barbarian ( barbarians were called the enemies of hellas and not one of them) 2. Macedonia didn't take part in the hellenic union ( all other states did ) 3. When Alexander I was the king Macedonia didn't help the hellas against persia ? 4. Many times in history Macedonia and other hellenic states had different enemies ? 5. There is a old Macedonian letters that can be found anywhere together with the words that are still the same in the language l speak today ? 6. There are people in Tibet that claim to be Macedonian that were left from Alexander's army and they speak 20% of the language l do ? (google it / go visit them ) 7.When slavs invaded the balcan all the countries got slavic name except Macedonia ? 8. If we are not the ancient Macedonians then whose territory was Republic of Macedonia in the period of Perdika/Alexander I/Arhelaj/Filip II / Alexander III ? 9. If you say that Solun is yours,there are pappers that prove it only after 1913 agreement ? i got many left but answer these first Smile
And l forgot to add,l don't like Gruevski.I reckon that he is bulgarian spy who is trying to destroy Macedonia so just don't mention him here.
I got similar questions for you first. 1) why cheese is pluralistic? 2) Why the flag of USA is terminal? 3) The cars that drive fast, how much cholesterol I get? 4) When you dive in a pool is the time accurate? 5) why did Bush nuked Taiwan? 6) What's the name of the bus that drive to mars? Well what? My questions either make no sense or they are lies? Same as yours Smile Told you, empty your head from all the bs that you think know and read what I have written. It will enrich your knowledge mate Smile Trust me, it's NOT what they want us to believe here. Here you just don't exist. You have nothing to do with Macedonia, you are kind of aliens. Well that's wrong too. Education is the worse fear of fascism. Don't deal any more with this article, good luck
And l forgot to add,l don't like Gruevski.I reckon that he is bulgarian spy who is trying to destroy Macedonia so just don't mention him here.
And l forgot to add,l don't like Gruevski.I reckon that he is bulgarian spy who is trying to destroy Macedonia so just don't mention him here.
We couldn't have jumped from mars.We are someone - Macedonians. Just think why USA and Europe support you.They want all your islands,they want your sea ( that used to be ours ) they want you not to make union with Russia.They hate ortodox trust me.There is a reason why Yugoslavia fall apart,there is are reason why you are bancrupted,there is a reason why refugees choosed this route - Greece-Macedonia-Serbia.Just wait there gonna be a war and we are gonna loose cause we are not united.Also try to think about the questions some of them are really clearly set and important for you.
We couldn't have jumped from mars.We are someone - Macedonians. Just think why USA and Europe support you.They want all your islands,they want your sea ( that used to be ours ) they want you not to make union with Russia.They hate ortodox trust me.There is a reason why Yugoslavia fall apart,there is are reason why you are bancrupted,there is a reason why refugees choosed this route - Greece-Macedonia-Serbia.Just wait there gonna be a war and we are gonna loose cause we are not united.Also try to think about the questions some of them are really clearly set and important for you.
i dont know how can real macedonians are slavian languege family members, when this slavian language apperas at nine century and makedonian empire appeared long time ago
It is a pity that in the XXI century, continue to give these silly fights (they are, with the forgiveness of all). but what do I know? , I'm from Mexico. 0/
Im Irish Even tho im Serbian by blood im sure im not 100% and that there is few drops of celtic blood in me, ages ago Celts used to live in Balkan, so when serbs came down we mixed with Celts, and as irish are Celts, it kinda makes me Irish, right? so my people build ancient Stonehenge in UK and Newgrange in Ireland Smile I wana claim Ireland and UK as Serbian land, as we are rightful decedents of Celts o7
come to think of it, as today Macedonians , at least some are for fact blood related to Serbs.. if we did have claim on Ireland and UK, actually it wouldnt be Serbian claim, it would be Macedonian, as after all they are related to us Serbs by blood, language , customs ... so Ireland actualy belongs to Macedonia . I love how logic works o7
@TopSecret your claim that some of us are serbian are stupid.First of all you speak the language that Kiril and Metodij ( Macedonians ) gave you.Visit your southern parts and see that serbs speak half Macedonian.Also you are just jealous becouse you don't have a history to fight for while we are one of the oldest nations.
@TopSecret your claim that some of us are serbian are stupid.First of all you speak the language that Kiril and Metodij ( Macedonians ) gave you.Visit your southern parts and see that serbs speak half Macedonian.Also you are just jealous becouse you don't have a history to fight for while we are one of the oldest nations.
come on now tha Also ... nations it was the funniest thing. Your country, FYR has not history and you steal the greek history ... every one knowns that MACEDONIA IS GREECE but they are to brainwashed... Wink so stop it. It s like to say that Munich is not German and it is Austrian.