A Hobo's Diary

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 26 Jan 2017 22:28 - 3

Every day, you see the top newspapers on your eRev main page, talking about the game politics, economy and wars like it is something important. You even see people analyzing the papers' statements, discussing the "long term" effects of some game stuff. The truth is: YOU DON'T CARE. You don't give a . Why would you?

Once in a while some creative people publish funny memes or stuff, and those articles almost always get to the top. Why? Because this is a game and we're all here to have fun. That is how a game is meant to be played. By having fun, and not losing ourselves in it to  seriously discuss about it like it's a real life matter.


So here I am, starting a newspaper to spread my own bull around.

AHD is a paper for the more relaxed players of eRev; you know, do the daily jobs, sell stuff, chat with players, and read the articles if it catches your eye. I see a lot of "serious" newspapers publishing stories and articles about the economy and politics, and like you, I dont give .

This , ladies and gentlemen, is the point where my newspaper comes in: a newspaper to make your game a little more interesting, to give you something small to read while you scroll through the pages. To give you something to give a about. Be it memes, ironic game stuff, real life lessons & news; I will try to publish stuff that is actually worth reading in a game environment.

See you around!


SennaTricky DickDiesel

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I don t care about A Hobo s Diary.
impress me Smile
yep, bring it to us fellow Ogamer.