The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 27 Jan 2017 01:13 - 8,
our glorious party and its Dear Leader EddieA are calling for your help to achieve a M Recruitment Mobilisation.

A lot of comrades are enjoying life in People's Revolutionary Party, but we will not rest until every American player has joined us in the glory of Permanent Revolution.
Everyone is welcome, everyone is important, everyone is a leader and a servant of our Country.

From words to facts: this week we will host a Recruitment contest.
Every PRP member can take part in this competition.
Starting from today at 00:00 eRevollution time, for one week, bring as many new members as you can in our party.

Provide a screenshot or new member confirmation to our Party President eddieA.

At the end of the week, the three comrades that recruited most new members will win respectively 20, 10 and 5 gold.

Join the Revolution, no one will be left behind!

P.S.: This message has been approved by Bernie.

P.P.S.: Everybody is welcome, including socialist Swedish:



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Good luck to the contestants.
Ensure you keep the new arrivals away from eddie though he has been known to take a bite out of him... I mean thats why I built 2000 acre laser deer fences around the new arrival area. Laugh -Chris
Lol laser fences? DK you are going to need a Tank guarding that place.
Socialist Sweden wonder how successful is that Laugh
Bernie is a revisionist.