국가 Greece - 재정 사업 - 28 Jan 2017 03:25 - 7
The prices of the weapons change from country in country, not olny for the differences of the real cost but also for the different value in gold of each local currency.
So to compare the prices from two different countries, we must know the monetary base (Z) of the two currencies.
(table with Z value of some countries)
Z Country
20 Cina
10 France, Portugal, Russia, Spain
8 Turkey, FYROM
7 Iran
6 Argentina, Georgia, Serbia
5 Romania, Brazil, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA
The Z of Brazil is 5
You can find yourself the Z of a country, looking in the Monetary Market
In the tab {Buy CC - Sell Gold}, you will see in the column {Rate} something like:
Es. 1) 0.005 (that means the Z of this country is 5)
Es. 2) 0.010 (that means the Z of this country is 10)
Some Rate tables have FAKE Rates for not significant amounts of currencies (es for only 0.01 CC).
Consider as Z only the useful offers (es more than 300 CC).
Known the Z of the two countries and of course the price per unit (P) of each weapon we can tranform the prices in GOLDS per 100 units, using this formula:
100 Weapons = P * Z / 10 (Golds)
Es: I want to buy Helicopters Q5
In the market of Turkey(Z=8) the price (P) is 6.3 TRY each.
In the market of Hungary (Z=5) the price (P) is 9.8 HUF each.
So, I would pay for 100 Helicopters Q5:
a) 6.3 * 8 / 10 = 5.04 Golds in Turkey
b) 9.8 * 5 / 10 = 4.90 Golds in Hungary
That means that in Hungary I can find a better price for HelQ5 than in Turkey.
Of course, not only the prices change, but also the monetary base (realy not so frequently).
So is a good practice to verify every time, if there is a variation in the Z's table.
If two countries have the same Z, the comparison of the prices is immediate, without the need of the formula.
If you find useful articles like this one.
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Votado =)

Nice one man o/