The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 전장 분석 - 06 Feb 2017 17:41 - 7


This is an update for those of you that are wondering "what the ... is happening in the world now that we have kicked Serbia and Bosnia out of our territories?".

Don't get lazy and look around you: battles are spreading all over the world. A world war has started and, let's face it, this is good for the game. We are not killing people nor destroying houses. In this game, war is fun and makes the economy work!

Who is fighting in this war? Let's introduce the main alliances in the game.

Vae Victis
It is our alliance and currently the most powerful in the world. This leadership is no more taken for granted and other alliances are willing to take the lead. Vae Victis members are Albania, Brazil, Bulgaria, Georgia, Indonesia, Iran, Poland, Republic of China (Taiwan), Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Romania, Turkey and United States of America.

It is a new alliance that has changed the world balance. It has "only" four members, but we are talking about powerful members: Croatia, France, Hungary and Spain.

It was considered a "minor" alliance in the past, but the world war and new members have made this more important. Members are Austria, Canada, India, Italy, South Korea and Federacion Andina (that includes Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela).

Fre Fighters
Another new alliance, that include several countries considered as "minor" powers in the game. Members are Afghanistan, Armenia, Cuba, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Korea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Indipendent nations
There are a lot of countries that are not officially members of the main alliances but are somehow very near to one of them. These countries include:
Argentina is allied to Spain and can be considered allied to Delos.
Denmark is allied to Croatia, Spain and Argentina: can be considered allied to Delos.
Germany is allied to Spain and has Turkey as natural enemy. Can be considered allied to Delos.
Portugal is allied to Turkey and Brazil, can be considered near to Vae Victis.
Russia is allied to Hungary, France and Croatia, and has Romania as natural enemy: can be considered allied to Delos.
Serbia is allied with Ukraine, Hungary, Russia and Denmark: can be considered an enemy of Vae Victis.
Ukraine is allied with Serbia: can be considered enemy of Vae Victis.


To summarize, we can say that Vae Victis leadership is under attack by the rest of the world. Battles are taking place in all the continents.
After a long war in the United States territories, Serbia and Bosnia were kicked out and the war moved to Europe.
Tension between Delos and Vae Victis exploded after Spain attacked Morocco and Italian regions under Albania control were claimed by Croatia. Bulgaria got involved in a war with Spain and Albania was attacked by Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Spain and Hungary.
At that point, it was clear that Delos, APA and several "Fre Fighters" and "Indipendent" nations were co-operating against Vae Victis.
France, that is one of the most powerful country in the game and member of Delos, has not been directly involved in the war, yet.
The same for Portugal, that is probably more on the Vae Victis side.

History is unfolding and we have the privilege to witness an exciting moment. Many questions are opened, the world war result is unpredictable. Each one of us can make the difference and contribute to make their country protagonist of this crucial chapter. Don't be lazy, enroll in a US Military Unit and be a part of the history with Jessica!



PalmerTricky Dick

댓글 (7)

Great article!
Hm... No Africa, No Vote ! Auf Wiedersehen Smile
I wanna be with Jessica. Which MU do I enroll in? 😏
Thanks for the briefing.
No Switzerland, no vote Cheeky
Good job
Switzerland attacking Albania will surely be mentioned in next update :-)