The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 전장 분석 - 12 Feb 2017 05:14 - 8
Vae Victis controls the area. Albania, Indonesia and Taiwan own most territories, leaving one region to Australia and New Zealand "communities". Together, they currently have 8 active players. Needless to say, there is not possibility for them to free their territories, at the moment.

Vae Victis controls the area. Brazil rules most of Nigeria. South Africa is controlled by Brazil, Indonesia and Bulgaria. Turkey and Macedonia own all Egyptian territories. The only indipendent country in the continent is Morocco. Morocco is one of the latest additions in the game, and is controlled by strong Greek players that left their country after Macedonian invasion. After Spain and Venezuela tried to occupy their new country, ironically they were helped by the old enemies of Vae Victis. They counter-attacked and set foot in South America, where they now control two regions.

This is probably the biggest resource tank for Vae Victis. Georgia, Indonesia, Iran, Taiwan and Turkey are controlling basically the whole continent. South Korea (partially occupied by Romania) and Japan (partially occupied by Taiwan) are trying to keep under their control as many original regions as they can. The only important exception to VV domination in Asia, is Russia, that is in "Delos+Serbia" alliance. Russia controls only one of their original regions, but has seven colonies in India. In the next weeks we'll probably see some Bollywood action.

South America
A few weeks ago, an interesting experiment called "Federacion Andina" led to four countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela) merging in one federation under the Venezuelan flag. Currently, it looks like the expirement has failed. Peru and Bolivia have most of their regions under their direct control again, while Venezuela is invaded by Morocco and Paraguay. A month ago Brazil was attacked by Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay, but was able to defend their regions. After that, Brazil took the initiative and gained control of territories in Nigeria, Colombia and Uruguay. Once a superpower in control of several colonies, Argentina is currently invaded by Turkey and has only 3 regions left. They have recently joined Delos but the presence of Vae Victis superpowers in the area is going to make the situation hot.

North America
Mexico and Cuba are currently occupied by Paraguay and Portugal. USA has kicked Serbia and Bosnia out of its territories and it is now helping their allies in Europe. Having a lot of unused resources, Usa is renting some regions to allies (like Romania, Indonesia, Taiwan and Portugal), receiving money and help in case of enemies attack. Canada has been recently invaded by Ireland. Irish situation is strange: they have gained a lot of military strength by welcoming many strong French players. Anyway, they can't be considered as a "controlled by France" country: in the current war between Poland and Ireland, top two damage-dealers against Ireland are French players. The situation is weird and the Irish-Canadian front will be probably hot in the next days.

Europe is currently the main World War battleground. Bosnia, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine have joined their efforts in a war agains Vae Victis. Initially they took initiative and gained some regions in Usa, Morocco, and Italy and launched a coordinated attack against Albania. Battle after battle, Vae Victis was able to close the American and African campaigns, bringing the war focus in Europe. Poland, Turkey and Iran are taking care of Northern Europe, defeating Denmark and now fighting against Germany. Bulgaria, Romania and Georgia are fighting for Eastern Europe against Ukraine. Turkey, Macedonia and Indonesia have secured Southern Europe. Western Europe, Central Europe and the Balkans are the strongest Delos stronghold. In Western Europe, Vae Victis is almost not present. Portugal is allied with Brazil and Turkey but is not officially in the alliance. Spain, France, United Kingdom are under Delos control, and Ireland is currently neutral. Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary and Switzerland are controlling most of Central Europe. Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia are fighting daily battles against Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey to keep control of their part of the Balkans. Without any doubts, Central Europe and the Balkans are the regions to watch in the next weeks if you want to see epic battles.

For more information about alliances, see also this article. The only change is that Argentina has officially joined Delos.
Oh, wait, I almost forgot bikinis ;-)


PalmerTricky DickG 4 M p3trOs V E RSharinganKinyas

댓글 (8)

nice job!Hail Morocco!!
Great article o7
Great article as always maghe!
Thanks! Keep us updated.