A Snipers Journal

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 14 Feb 2017 04:23 - 2

Well o there, my name is SniperOne, and I'm writing this article because I saw ace mention new congress members might want to do so. So I'll tell you a little about myself. I was originally invited to this game by a friend, who goes by the name Nick Foxtails in this world. For quite some time I was to busy to do anything other then, I guess you guys it two clicking? But I'm here and ready now and Nick suggested the best way to get involved would be first to join discord, and thento join congress. I'll be honest I don't know much about what I'm doing but I'm ready to learn.


Angelo5009DieselTricky Dick

댓글 (2)

Nice to meet ya.
welcome SniperOne