One Button Illusion

국가 Croatia - 정책 토론&분석 - 09 Feb 2016 07:56 - 54
One Button Illusion | Day 30 | Issue 5

Dear readers,

I am happy to report that the Admin team has accepted my proposal for an interview. I have endeavored to cover all important and interesting points that I could think of.

Enjoy the read!

Thank you Admins.

General Questions

Question: There are plenty of similar e-games out there. What prompted you to make a new one?

Answer: Well, we have been preparing this game for a while, and now we gathered the right crew, and released it finally on the start of this year. A lot us put a hard work in this, and we hope this game will gather a wider audience in the future, cause we are in for the long run.

Question: How will this game, over time, be different from other similar games?

Answer: We intend to keep communication with players and support as great as it is now, fast and reliable. We are quick at implementing new ideas in the game, so we will keep changing this game, and as number of players increases we will adapt our game.

Question: In one of your insiders, you have stated that you are pleasantly surprised by the huge turn-over of new players early in the game. What is your marketing strategy for further increase of players’ lation?

Answer: Well, yes, we are happy with the initial surge of players that registered to the game. Our priority for now, was to optimize the servers, so that we could accept new surge of new players that are registering to the game. We wanted to give players a lag-free experience before we start advertising. Currently we get a lot of new players through referrals and people who talking about the game between them, we will start advertising the game later as soon as we think we are prepared.

Question: Recently, one major bug exploit has been reported by the players – in time, it is likely that other bugs will follow – what is your policy with regard the: a) punishment of exploiters; b) remedy of the situation (ie, with regard the upgrade/degrade bug)?

Answer: Well, we tried our best to minimize the damage. We deducted gold from countries and players that were affected. We didn't permanently banned anyone this time because the damage wasn't as big as some players want to show. We want to repeat this again that no one got the Heli or Tank companies because of this bug. We offer rewards to bug reporters, from small to big bugs, and we hope you all report a bug, instead of start abusing it, and we will make a lot better game.

Question: How many admins are there in total, and how many moderators are there in total? Can you supply us with a list of country-igned moderators, so that the players know whom to contact in case of issues? Do you plan to establish a special chat or skype connection between the country CPs and admins/moderators for a quicker settlement procedure in case of issues and errors?

Answer: There are 5 admins in total, and 10 moderators. I will supply you with a list of Admins, which you can also contact in game if you have any questions:

- Charon
- Fr3kMen
- Biskvit
- Tropico
- Admin
As for the moderators, i won't be naming them all here.

As for special chat or skype connection between the country CP and admins, we definitely plan on implementing a direct line of communication in near future.

Question: There has been some dispute with regard the purchase of gold with RL money – a number of players have been complaining that this is ruining the game due to the fact that one player who is purchasing gold can easily out-fight a large group of players how are not. You have considered the issue, and already introduced certain limitations. Do you plan any additional limitations in the future?

Answer: It's very challenging to create a balance between paying and non-paying players, but we are sure to create some compromise. We might introduce additional limitations or change the existing ones, based on how the game will be progressing.

Specific Questions

Question: Do you plan to implement a forum so that the players can communicate between each other and with your team?

Answer: We are currently not planing on adding a game forum. We think that adding a support ticket system will allow players to communicate with us easier once we implement it.

Question: What are the bonuses all about – can you explain their effect on the game (production, etc.)?

Answer: There are 5 resources for each type of production.

- For Food and Food Materials
- For Weapon and Weapon Materials
- For Construction and House Materials

Each raise production by 20 % if your country owns it, and max is 100 % of production boost.

Question: Do you plan to implement new features in the future, such as region infrastructure, additional warfare elements, share companies and shares’ market, etc.?

Answer: Well, first think on our agenda is improving the design and graphics, and making them mobile friendly. We will implement Hospitals and Defense systems once we decide their exact function in the game. As for sharing companies and shares' market, I don't think that would work for a game like this.

Question: Do you plan to introduce a wiki where all current game mechanics and rules will be thoroughly explained? A number of players have tackled the economy and warfare aspects in their articles, and pointed out to a number of points for consideration – it would be nice to get a clear picture of how the current system/mechanics work, in order to consider what could potentially be improved.

Answer: Yes, we plan on adding a wiki page to explain all of our game mechanics.

Question: Organizations – it would be much easier for a country’s development and MU’s development to introduce national and army organizations – the same could be said with regard the political parties (perhaps with a limited scope). It would additionally be nice if these organizations would have an enlarged storage capacity and the possibility of opening up a newspaper. Are you considering the implementation of these organizations?

Answer: We have had a lot of requests for organisations, but we feel like there would be more problems than gain from adding them to the game. We may, however add a storage in MU, to allow item distribution for battles.

Question: Official contracts – do you think that you could introduce the official contracts (both between the countries and between the players), to be supervised by the admin/moderators team, and published on the Forum? This would make it easier for the players and countries to work on the increase in trade, lending, and, among other things, enhance the foreign affairs aspect of the game.

Answer: Well, as we don't plan on implementing forums, we won't be supporting official contracts between players either.

Question: Are you considering giving the ministers more in-game features – ie, limited legislative ability?

Answer: Yes, we will be adding more in game to the ministers.

Question: Are you considering to introduce the social policies – ie, public spending on health (general increase of health from 500 to 600 for all lace, military spending policy (general fighting bonus for all members of MUs, etc.) – each social policy would have a strong impact on the whole nation, but each country could choose just one policy for the duration of one month (to be decided by, for example, the CP, after the general elections)?

Answer: Hmm, this is an interesting suggestion, and we will consider adding it to the game. Thank you for the idea

thumbs up for me :)

Question: In-game alliances – are you considering to implement special features for the in-game alliances – ie, joint declaration of war, joint legislation to be effective in all member states, bonuses in the trade between member states, fighting bonuses, etc.?

Answer: We won't be making any radical changes to the alliances for now.

Question: It would be nice to introduce new tabs for shouts – Trade, Newspapers advertising, Friends’ shouts, etc. Any chance of getting those?

Answer: We have talked among us about adding new Country chat, but its too early to talk about that.

Question: Can you implement a feature where we who own newspapers can see who are subscribers are?

Answer: We could, but we won't. It would only increase the sub 4 sub spam that you can see everyday on the chat, and in the private messages that people are sending.

Question: Can you implement a feature on the profile page where we can see out total experience points?

Answer: Yes, that wouldn't be a problem to implement.

But will you, that is the question! :)

Question: Finally, when can we expect new missions?

Answer: We will be adding new missions for higher level players later, but before new missions come, we will add a new Event, similar to that with snowflakes event.

Tnx for reading!

Hope to see you in the next issue too!


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댓글 (54)

first for ireland!
nice Smile
i liked those questions and specially the answers from admins. i hope this admins continue like this, putting differences between this game and the others similar to this. another thing i'd like to have and help doing is translate this game to other languages, Portuguese in my language. if admins want some help with this, i'd love to help
cool Laugh
"As for sharing companies and shares' market, I don't think that would work for a game like this." Man... You'll only know if you try... In my opnion, it will Increase the immersion of the economic system as well as the creation of ORGs
Event, jeee Smile Good article, thanks Smile
Someone in that interview is just too stupid or simply cant read what other say? OFC heli/tank comps are not from upgrade/degrade bug, it was from something else FFS
`We want to repeat this again that no one got the Heli or Tank companies because of this bug` - bullsh!t
- V -
To clarify the "We want to repeat this again that no one got the Heli or Tank companies because of this bug" statement - Selling heli and tank companies was allowed at the start of the game, it wasn't a BUG. It was possible. As we've seen that someone made a Q5 tank company and sold Heli company to other players, we've removed it, but it was legal and all were allowed to do this up until we removed selling those companies from the game. Up until we removed it it was a feature, not a BUG, same as we removed selling Q5 Weapon companies from the game now.
Thumbs up
Oh, I guess You wanted to say `we favour some payers, we sh*t on the rest`, that would be more clear statement. Make the rights equal for everyone and dont change the rules in meantime, cause if You think that were gonna pay much more of real cash just to reach the others now, Youre damn wrong.
nice interview Laugh
You forgot to ask why do we have company market for tanks, helicopters and weapons Q5 if we can't sell them. sub4 sub
great article, one thing you forgot to ask is about divisions, will there be any or not. As based on "similar" games, some players would like to keep lvl down in that case (not me personally, i dont care). v+s
Would love to see the ability to mass message
good article i only have one thing to say to the admins: USA irl 51 regions/ in the game 51 regions Uruguay irl 19 regions/ in the game 1 region be fair
I hope local admins will not take my own ideas without my permission ;-)
I man ideas that already implemented... some guys know where Laugh
Good interview! Thank you for making it and thanks to the admin for participating! Well done!
bilo kuda RL keš svuda...
Great interview Smile They really should add Wiki and Knowledge base/ticket system for new players. Plus adding a COUNTRY shout tab is very nice- I want to talk to my country men, not the whole world spam Laugh
As far as I read - nothing will change, apart from optimization of design! So, we can expect tank skins for the future. Lame.
donate Jolds
We want to repeat this again that no one got the Heli or Tank companies because of this bug - are you joking or treating players like the flock of sheep.... Continue doing like this and the game will fall soon, very soon...
Admins - can you ensure players that there is no player who has q1 heli company and still has q5 weapon company and q5 tank company? If you cannot say this you are lying saying that there is no one who got Heli or Tank companies of the bug!!!!!!!
nice o7
Add working skills...
Great innovation. Especially the one with the implement of forums and orgs into the game, the clear rules and the great game play. Oh but wait...
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas
Great Articles as always Smile v+s
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas
Admins, can you ensure that people that accept gold from other people that have multies will not get ban? You obviously know that lots of people make transactions out of the market, goods for gold. Cause I know at least one situation that a player got banned cause he accepted gold from others that had multies and got banned. Even if the purpose was much higher than just commerce. It was to build companies for our MU, for common advance. UNBAN myrmid0nas