The Florentine

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 26 Feb 2017 02:23 - 1

White House Press Release

Author: Supermaghe
Date: 2/26/17

Table of Contents:
1. War update
2. West Point Program
3. Babyboom
4. House Raw Materials program

1. War update
After kicking Serbia and Bosnia out of our territories, our Country is now counter attacking the enemy front, together with our alliance, Vae Victis.
Firstly, we attacked Ireland, that had invaded our friendly neighbour, Canada. For the first time in months, we set foot in Europe, conquering Louth and Mayo. US strength and damage has increased a lot recently, and during the invasion of Ireland we dealt our highest naval damage by far. We conquered Irish capital despite their Q5 Defense System and strong French allies effort.
Secondly, we have declared war on Russia, a strong enemy that has occupied many Indian regions. The first battle objective was mainly to drain enemy damage, and we made them overreact as expected, helping our allies battles in France.
Thirdly, we declared war on United Kingdom, to take Northern Ireland control and force Ireland to sign a peace treaty, unless they want to be wiped out.
Another unexpected achievement was the victory of the Resistance battle in Missouri. That should have been a planned and easy victory to swap regions with Portugal, following our regions rental agreement called "the Porto Resolução". Something went wrong on their side and they set a Daily Order for that battle, dealing a lot of unexpected damage. That day we were also fighting in Mayo, Ireland, but we managed to win both battles anyway.
During the beginning of 2017, we achieved many victories, often in difficult conditions. Our allies helped us a lot, during the US invasion last month, but after that we managed to increase our impact in every battle, becoming an active part of the Vae Victis winning counter-attack against Delos and Fre United alliances. We need to thank all the people that works everyday to coordinate our efforts with our allies, send supplies when needed, set orders and keep contact with every American soldier. To name a few, we should thank AMHS, TrickyDick, and Tancred for providing us with very very cheap Helis and Warships. Most of all, anyway, we have to say THANK YOU to each American citizen that fought in these weeks, dealing as much damage as they could everytime, with determination and pion. A powerful Army needs not only powerful elite soldiers, but even more it needs a lot of recruits that give all they can, everyday, to become the next generation of American Heroes.


2. West Point Program
West Point program has 14 members now and is turning out thousands of helis per week for us. USA is now armed to the teeth!
What is West Point Program? An opportunity to make yourself and your country more powerful. To know more, follow this link to the Presidential statement.
Just a couple of clarifications: to receive all the gold that this program can give to you, you need to work for TrickyDick first. Also, you can track your progress in the program for loan payoff at this link.


3. Babyboom
As recently confirmed by our President in this article, our efforts to achieve a babyboom is not stopping. According to Green Berets Military Unit stats, active lation in the United States has increased from 40-50 two weeks ago, to 120 players. This is a great result, and we will keep focusing on this important objective. We need every single citizen effort to become what we deserve to be: one of the best country in this world.

4. House Raw Materials program
One of our market issue is the high House Raw Material price. You can now get USD for almost half the market price in gold if you promise to use your new USD to open Q4 House Raw Material (Sand) Mines. By trading blocks of 15 gold with the government, we will send you blocks of 3000 USD, a very good exchange rate for you, to start Q4 Sand Mines. Fill this form to be a part of this program that can boost your daily income!
And yes, once again I also needed an excuse to close the article with a couple of babes.


voozPalmerTricky DickDiesel

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Them chicks look they they could use a few more Studs. :-)