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F O X - 의 신문 Iran -

국가 Iran - 정책 토론&분석 - 28 Feb 2017 03:39 - 24

What arkopad did to france


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Spit on it.
lol xD
oh oh poor france
This is real story
why my friend ??
@Believe:France was wiped by Iran because arkopad has said boll shit
France approve my article Wink it s what you don t understand, i did all of them with french Cp s approbation
Iranians are dumb frustrated cubs, not lions
Iranians are not lions, they re as cute as my profile picture Smile
All the Iranian s reactions about the articles of Arkopad, are proof that Arkopad is a living god. Do not cry if you are hurt by drawings, kittens Smile
France dead...arkopad dead... end Smile
I m still alive... and France too, unfortunately for you Wink
@arkopad Our objective is achieved and we had a decisive victory + Paris is firmly in our hands. We never wanted to kill France, so we dont really care if France is still alive, same for you Wink
I say that in response to @IRAN_BOSS, i forgot to specify it :p
@arkopad Yup, you better specify your comments if you know there is no logic behind it and you cannot defend it logically Cheeky
poor french Smile)
FOX News...same reliability as US channel ^^
France won the articles battle hands down.