Meet Joe Black

국가 Georgia - 정책 토론&분석 - 02 Mar 2017 06:46 - 43



Peace agreement has been reached between Vae Victis and Germany


Hereby mentioned as "Vae Victis" includes both member of Vae Victis and Vae Victis Alpha

1. Germany will have Brandeburg & Berlin and saarland. rest of the cores of Germany will be belong to Vae Victis alliance.
2. Germany cannot DoW any member of VV and like wise.
3. The agreement will be valid until 6th of April.


Supreme Commander of Vae Victis

President of Germany
President of Georgia
President of Iran
President of Turkey


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댓글 (43)

signed, CP of Germany
signed, Just BEAST
Signed by President of Turkey
Finally GerMONEY agreed to nap Laugh scared of being deleted
hahahahahaha peaky sleep tight
Peaky said I wont sign Anything so multi of Peaky did Laugh
you got it all wrong, Peaky is my multi :/
signed by NAPoleon of Germany Laugh
Cmon CP of Iran and Georgia, sign this, so I can write comment
pff o7
Hail Germany 0/
NAP NAP NAP Where is the game? Where is the fight?
Howe exactly is this better than being deleted?
Muahahaha Smile
funny :s
Signed by President of Iran
soon Germany in delos Smile
Signed by President of Georgia
NAPville v 1.2
vv = axis, they even post pictures of axis as themselves.
Cant belive..Why are you playing this game? Croatia Will fight till end !!
žalosno Laugh
popcorn time Smile
Dok se svi ne udjedinimo i uzvratimo udarac, al ne da nakon 3 dana odustajemo. Nego da se ide full jer koliko god jaci bili od nas nemogu drzati 5-7 zemlji obrisanih a mi trrbamo lupiti u turski svi u istu sekundu pa kud puklo da puklo
some months ago i really hated germany, well now i still detest them but.... only 2 cores?, what the hell VV, we both know if you still pressuring your enemies like this you will kill all of them, you cant make new enemies for ever.
Shove it VV, signed by UK CP
Gurgians cant honour even this kind of deal, LOL, GO,GO,GO CRO
if VV go war with VV alpha,,,it might be interesting
Hahah, it is so funny for Puppy Laugh
hahahhahaah ko ko ko ko
Agreement is broken by Georgia
@Giovinco69. Georgia broke it? are you sure? --