국가 France - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 16 Mar 2017 06:57 - 61
In third issue of my article serries, I will publish RL photos of French players. Let's see them!
Pour mon troisième article, je vais publier les photos des joueurs français IRL. Voyons qui ils sont !
Si vous êtes français, vueillez m'envoyer votre photo si vous le désirez.
(Thanks to OrignalQC for translate)
1- Azzazel87

2- Raspoutine
3- ManoFilert
4- Captain Obvious

5- Kiminux
6- OrignalQc
7- Lakich

8- leino

9- LeTunisien
10- Faithlessledivin
11- preato

Thanks for reading, do not forget to vote+subscribe :)
In third issue of my article serries, I will publish RL photos of French players. Let's see them!
Pour mon troisième article, je vais publier les photos des joueurs français IRL. Voyons qui ils sont !
Si vous êtes français, vueillez m'envoyer votre photo si vous le désirez.
(Thanks to OrignalQC for translate)
1- Azzazel87

2- Raspoutine

3- ManoFilert

4- Captain Obvious

5- Kiminux

6- OrignalQc

7- Lakich

8- leino

9- LeTunisien

10- Faithlessledivin

11- preato

Thanks for reading, do not forget to vote+subscribe :)
GigaKiminuxKiminuxKiminuxG 4 M p3trOs V E RpreatoYamamotoMiltiadosAncestralUntouchableUntouchableUntouchableComradeI am doneI am doneLeFrancaistimaiasorkhpostPolarB34r댓글 (61)


o7 where is NAPdrad 

Putain Faith, fais le ménage


Trop frais Rasp!

best nap s

Faithless t es mignon mais pourquoi tu poses avec un humain?

LeTunisien ta photo est trop stylée

where are agamemnon and magellan ? 

broj 7 uvijek win 

Hahahaa @Murat
Vote o7


No NAPrad no vote


@S C I E N T I S T, they did not send their photos 

I would marry Lakich...


@Serpent Her voice is so beautiful..


Lakich!! Add me on Discord!!!! S2

Oh my Lakich is sexay

Lakich {o_o} o7

Lakich tırmala beni

@Beyazenci yavaş xd

vote, we want agammenon photo 

wtf is wrong with preato s link? is that a PICTURE of a link? is that article author s fault or another great feature of this game? ;]

Lakich unas fantas?

@Zerstorer, link changed 

Lakich de erik gibi kütür kütür


a beautiful girl who plays erev?... Lakich marry me xD

Lakich wow 

@Lakich,nice tatoo

Samo te minduhe skloni 

lakich super hot

Il aurait suffit de mettre que la photo de Lakich vu l engouement pour sa photo XD ( Faith poses cette eCig tu es trop jeune! )

Raspoutine t es mon idéal masculin !

Where is Trevasou ?

Treva is in my ass

Hail 7 

07 players

@Aztek hangi translate bunu çevirebilir ki :d


i was here for agamemnon

Lakich is a man X)

where is aga milti cara?? i will vote when i see them

Where Milti and Aga pictures? 

Yeap!! Where?

Lakich... you re so beautiful . Marry me please!

Aga and Cara are here: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/10232

Lakich tu forces....