국가 Armenia - 정책 토론&분석 - 26 Apr 2017 08:00 - 12

Economic agreement
As part of a process of respect and mutual collaboration, the governments of Georgia and Armenia begin an economic agreement today.
The Government of Georgia offers the citizens of Armenia the return of 2/3 of taxes. An important step forward for the new Armenian community to continue developing its industrial strategy.
The Government of Armenia thanks the Aveun, CP of Georgia, for its collaboration with our community.

Mao Pichitti댓글 (12)

Nice news; Thanks to Georgia for your good attitude. This can be the beginning of something better and bigger. o7

nice better then pay golds

Who in Georgia do we send the screenshots?


maybe Governor or PM



Signed by CP of Georgia, good luck to you guys o/

v o7

The public channel of Armenia! https://discord.gg/QSBAfsx