국가 Croatia - 정책 토론&분석 - 02 May 2017 05:44 - 18
Gretings Croatian fellows ㄥo
Today, I will introduce CP candidates of Croatia, Sturmmann Batbaianov and myself, Sultan Haydar Bas
to you.
Who is Sturmmann Batbaianov?

As you see, he is actually citizen of Bulgaria, which member of... wait for it...;

OMG Right? I shocked like you when i saw this scandal... I did not give up this mystery and continued to investigate;

WOW! This is too much even for me... I hope my Croatian fellows dont choose such a dark guy as their president.
He is an an alcoholic

Is this future of our beautiful Croatia? Is this what our childrens waiting for? I am asking you, how this guy could rule a country with unclean mind?
You dont have to tolerate this, you have an alternative!
Who is Sultan Haydar Bas?
Most of you know that I am one of biggest Croat patriots but I want to introduce myself to new players.
He is a hope for young, angry, rebel Croats!

This is a old picture from my archive. Yes, that was me, I cencored my name because the eWorld was not ready for this, that time... I always support young Croats, even while I was Turkey citizen. This picture proves it.
This love is bigger than being President
When I was Turkey CP, I proposed leaving VV and making new alliance with Croatia and here is the conclusion...

The choice is yours...
P.S. Visit my website if you want to support my campaign; https://www.vote4sultan.com
lmperiusGrey WindDoktor Franjo TudmanG 4 M p3trOs V E Rspage댓글 (18)



Once i was drunk and i said lets remove croatia again, and Sultan prevented it. He has a dream about the mighty Croatia.

@lmperius since then, I have not wanted to talk with you but now we are cool, thx o7

ZDRUG Croatia will rule Turkey

#SultanLeadCryatiaToVictoryOverVV!! o7

My sultan, how long will your new presidency?


@yuoTO I will complete my mission after conquering everywhere for Croatia


Ah! My sultan :/ Make sure your ass is off while sleeping. We love you, dont worry 😘


We will delete Turkey and build oldiest Turkey in croatian colors...people... colors


Sultan 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

illuminati confirmed 
