Meet Joe Black

국가 Turkey - 정책 토론&분석 - 09 Jun 2017 18:12 - 20


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first Smile
we go there once , nothing special dude Laugh
it s special when we go there when we want Laugh
cCc Paris cCc
@Ready to Die enjoy the entire adventure Cheeky
Gogogo Laugh
Well you can try, this time France will have German help, and we know what to do with Gurgians
Dont go, its a trap! Laugh
We can go in a dirty lake of garbage, with a girl like in the video, it will always be an unforgettable experience xD
Who care about paris Laugh even french don t care
Who care about paris Laugh even french don t care
good luck bro // haha . o7
Lol who care about Paris ? It s just one of the dozens of regions France have. I think you are giving too much importance to this region x)
Georgians have Poland on her side. No worry about Germoney Wink
Germoney rules
let me give u the keys
for sure french don t care Wink
I was in Paris before it was mainstream
Insert kebab joke here*
Been there 2 time already :/