TP medals

국가 Turkey - 재정 사업 - 25 Sep 2017 08:29 - 21

Will you leave the game with this update? or ¿do you have a plan on how to survive as an active player with this new rules?

write your opinions


Cacique PariaguanBaba VossBaba VossBaba Voss

댓글 (21)

Now that I think of it its not even worth building LK s
this is end of a life as we know it Laugh
it is end of this game. as i see. i liked this game.
If they keep this change im off o/
this is the end
i have some plan about this game
plans As always
I am selling account. but there is no one to buy, because everyone is leaving.
Is a big shit for admin
going to farm until 500k str
Most likely leave
Game over
I will work hard and I will make 1 TRILLION of each RAW for protest.
The Admin already left their brains. I m just leaving a game.
I will continue another game
All people who leave the game, please give the acc to some new player, please.
I am giving them a week to revert the decision, will leave if they don t. Game is bad enough to waste time on it, waste money is not within my logic.
fighting just for FF and selling helis...
Why people think if they leave this game and go on ed-om where same admin team its good decision, no its not