국가 Iran - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 27 Sep 2017 13:38 - 2
Don't be angry on player, because we did not liked medal update! You make mistake and now is on you to find the way how to deal with it.
Put "buy gold" page on its place and make three things.
First; increase amount of STR that new player can earn from additional training ground.
Second; Now you can add q5 STR and second kit buildings
Third; After 1k medals earned make required damage increase 100k insted of 50k.
I think that this would be fair enough for everyone.
Put "buy gold" page on its place and make three things.
First; increase amount of STR that new player can earn from additional training ground.
Second; Now you can add q5 STR and second kit buildings
Third; After 1k medals earned make required damage increase 100k insted of 50k.
I think that this would be fair enough for everyone.
DictAt0RTunga Alp댓글 (2)

piriç gold at 

Admin Doesn t care anymore