국가 Indonesia - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 05 Oct 2017 10:35 - 61
Dear fellow comrades,
I am writing this to express my disappointment to the game, especially the blindfolded Admin. As we know, the game was going downhill couple days ago because of Admin's own fault who, in my opinion, wanted to force balance on this game, but they did worse indeed. They force people to leave this server, undirectly.
The game itself was good at the start, I even left eRep because of this, which I thought will give me something new to be explored. Yes it was good, up to a week ago, which I couldn't tolerate anymore. You destroy the economy module even worse. I dont need to explain this further, we have already knew it.
We have spent so many times, many money, many chains of command, many debates, untill today, just to advance further from the day 0. And you "gift us" with medal reset update, which grants us a billion of gold. So what was the point of our time and money we have wasted on this game since day 0? Every player has billions of gold, own their complete set of company, get f*cked up with 5 company limitation, nowhere to spend the gold unless you want to buy 5 years set of Gold Pack, which I doubt the server will last that long.
Only sh*thead who enjoys the current update, especially new player, or players who left behind in terms of STR, INT, EXP, GOLD, etc. No hard feelings, but enjoy your meaningless gold on this meaningless server. And enjoy your farming. I am not cyring, yes I still have more gold than you all new player or players who enjoys the current update, but for what? Where is your pride of starting something from 0, rather than you get all of it instantly. Your mentality is absurb. You dont want to work hard to achieve something big.
I don't urge all of you to leave this game, I am just thinking that there is no point on continuing playing this game, at least for me. Don't forget what they did to Cyberrep, both .com and .net, and now they do the same on eRev, and they will do the same on the other game, sooner or later. No wonder many players have already left, rather than enjoying their comfortable zone.
Hereby Aeon's journey ends today (Jan 20, 2016 - Oct 06, 2017). It was a good game, a good journey, a good memory, which I won't forget. I have met many friends here and my dear enemies too. We fought together, we shared the epicness, and we spent countless times organizing something big. Thanks to all of that my fellow comrades. MDP, Vae Victis, ACE, Nemesis, Horizon, OFC, Fre United, Delos, thanks for all the memories we made. Kinyas, NoobSailbot, Kris, BigGill, Mountain, Kevin, TheOne, Ancestral, Shiroe, Naki, and others who I can't mention your name one by one, I respect all of you guys. Especially to my dear Peruvian friends, thanks for teaching me Spanish :) To my ACE mates, keep the lion of the east alive! And to my lovely Indonesian brothers, we made the history, we made the story, it's because all of us, not me. Merdeka!
My ID will be sitted by my friend up to the remaning days of sitting. I don't know what will happen on the near future, but I will see you when I see you. Nice to meet you all guys. Aeon out.
Your partner in crime,
Aeon Flux

I am writing this to express my disappointment to the game, especially the blindfolded Admin. As we know, the game was going downhill couple days ago because of Admin's own fault who, in my opinion, wanted to force balance on this game, but they did worse indeed. They force people to leave this server, undirectly.
The game itself was good at the start, I even left eRep because of this, which I thought will give me something new to be explored. Yes it was good, up to a week ago, which I couldn't tolerate anymore. You destroy the economy module even worse. I dont need to explain this further, we have already knew it.
We have spent so many times, many money, many chains of command, many debates, untill today, just to advance further from the day 0. And you "gift us" with medal reset update, which grants us a billion of gold. So what was the point of our time and money we have wasted on this game since day 0? Every player has billions of gold, own their complete set of company, get f*cked up with 5 company limitation, nowhere to spend the gold unless you want to buy 5 years set of Gold Pack, which I doubt the server will last that long.
Only sh*thead who enjoys the current update, especially new player, or players who left behind in terms of STR, INT, EXP, GOLD, etc. No hard feelings, but enjoy your meaningless gold on this meaningless server. And enjoy your farming. I am not cyring, yes I still have more gold than you all new player or players who enjoys the current update, but for what? Where is your pride of starting something from 0, rather than you get all of it instantly. Your mentality is absurb. You dont want to work hard to achieve something big.
I don't urge all of you to leave this game, I am just thinking that there is no point on continuing playing this game, at least for me. Don't forget what they did to Cyberrep, both .com and .net, and now they do the same on eRev, and they will do the same on the other game, sooner or later. No wonder many players have already left, rather than enjoying their comfortable zone.
Hereby Aeon's journey ends today (Jan 20, 2016 - Oct 06, 2017). It was a good game, a good journey, a good memory, which I won't forget. I have met many friends here and my dear enemies too. We fought together, we shared the epicness, and we spent countless times organizing something big. Thanks to all of that my fellow comrades. MDP, Vae Victis, ACE, Nemesis, Horizon, OFC, Fre United, Delos, thanks for all the memories we made. Kinyas, NoobSailbot, Kris, BigGill, Mountain, Kevin, TheOne, Ancestral, Shiroe, Naki, and others who I can't mention your name one by one, I respect all of you guys. Especially to my dear Peruvian friends, thanks for teaching me Spanish :) To my ACE mates, keep the lion of the east alive! And to my lovely Indonesian brothers, we made the history, we made the story, it's because all of us, not me. Merdeka!
My ID will be sitted by my friend up to the remaning days of sitting. I don't know what will happen on the near future, but I will see you when I see you. Nice to meet you all guys. Aeon out.
Your partner in crime,
Aeon Flux

Ryuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiSiPaHichicagolupanpaLoving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0no0bsailbotvilarealIkta SolorkIkta SolorkIkta SolorkIkta Solorksaeid1379saeid1379saeid1379saeid1379saeid1379saeid1379댓글 (61)

tak tung tung .. o/


Good luck in RL bro


Farewell o7








All the best


Farewell, brother. Keep your Discord account active. o7

Adios papito:c

Farewell o7


it s been an honor to have played this game with you o7




sad to see you gone , i wish you the best in Real o7





yey... another Visa playing leaving

good luck bro

Gl o/

good luck my friend

goodbye my friend

all the best o7




...Especially to my dear Peruvian friends...

Goodbye my papito 


...Especially to my dear Peruvian friends... o7

Good luck

WN Flux 07 hahahahahahah damn xD


Good bye! It was a pleasure! o7

o7 , brother! It was an honor to have you 

o7 Good luck RL

Good bye, Johan. Enjoy your RL. One day i will visit you at SBY