국가 United States of America - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 30 Oct 2017 00:38 - 9
Newbie here.
If behind the beast in you there's something warm and kind, I'm here to face and squeeze it.
Don't be shy and make a good deed, your financial donations are more than welcome. The game looks and feels amazing, but it is truly hard in the beginning, or at least for me.
If you are already on the top, make me happy. Make my day and don't forget to make more love.
I need gold to upgrade the workout facilities as soon as possible. Everyday is a waste until they are not fully upgraded.
Once they are, I will start developing the economy module and I will probably turn back the favor one day.
-= Top donations =-
50 GOLD : Bulletz4Breakfast
225 GOLD : Bulletz4Breakfast
15 GOLD : Gjoemen
15 GOLD : JanGo
20 GOLD : colintrepide
50 GOLD : 4KemalKurt5
50 GOLD : Sparda Danthe
230 GOLD : akmuo
100 GOLD : Kinyas
360 GOLD!!! : AMHS
And if you really want to go insane : https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/makemorelove
If behind the beast in you there's something warm and kind, I'm here to face and squeeze it.
Don't be shy and make a good deed, your financial donations are more than welcome. The game looks and feels amazing, but it is truly hard in the beginning, or at least for me.
If you are already on the top, make me happy. Make my day and don't forget to make more love.
I need gold to upgrade the workout facilities as soon as possible. Everyday is a waste until they are not fully upgraded.
Once they are, I will start developing the economy module and I will probably turn back the favor one day.
-= Top donations =-
50 GOLD : Bulletz4Breakfast
225 GOLD : Bulletz4Breakfast
15 GOLD : Gjoemen
15 GOLD : JanGo
20 GOLD : colintrepide
50 GOLD : 4KemalKurt5
50 GOLD : Sparda Danthe
230 GOLD : akmuo
100 GOLD : Kinyas
360 GOLD!!! : AMHS
And if you really want to go insane : https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/makemorelove
FallenAngelGoodbye o7Goodbye o7Goodbye o7Goodbye o7astonrivllentexnosentexnosDroogieislandwoodsieislandwoodsieKinyasKennedyKennedyccccaaaaBulletz4BreakfastHenri BonafedeMi Lui MigalionelejiUnIqUeMiNdno0bsailbotCheRatnik댓글 (9)





Almost there!

what the hell xD

hell no, some multi or new player that is going to quit this game after few weeks


vers, I m investing the gold in training buildings. Not in weapons or companies. I m definitely not the one who s going to quit.
Thanks El Tito!