
국가 Albania - 재정 사업 - 18 Feb 2018 09:54 - 10

Hello everyone​ This new update about storage, i kinda like it because this is how it should have been since the begining. But with this new update new problems will come . Many players produce thousands of raws and it is needed large storage for those which means many gold to upgrade storage..My Problem as Cp Of country is another one . How can i keep weapons stock for my players for hard battles ? For this i have a suggestion . Create orgs for every country and only cp have access to it is easy ..just add a button on politics page so only cp can see .. logging in  on orgs can be done like we do in sitters need to give us emails and pwords ..just like as sitter option but with no limit time ...with this org we country presidents can add currency and gold in monetary market ...products in market ..being able to no need to mix country gold and producs with my own ...we in albania give tax back ..and if i send tax back from org to players i reduce my risk from sending from my own account  .


Bulletz4BreakfastDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlFightMasterRomyAlex IIitsoarian72Kabesos

댓글 (10)

agree Smile
Very interesting Smile o7
its not that simple, but is solution...
No. It`s stup1d suggestion
Admins, this is good idea. Not idiotic like your storage idea!