
국가 Uruguay - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 17 Aug 2018 20:14 - 13

Greetings all of you that are still playing eRevollution. So, eRevo is only 50 days away of the day 1000 and Us here in Showtime would like to set up a contest about it. We will be rewarding the most original, funny and toughtfull ideas and predictions about day 1000, so here are the conditions:

- Wiped countries (Wich ones will be wiped and by whom)
- Rising countries (The ones that have all regions plus a few more)
- New Countries (Added by the admins)
- Thriving and Dead alliances.
- Predictions about game in general.

The rewards are gonna be equally divided among three winners with 1000 Q5 Helis and 100 Gold, plus a few extras in the mix. The winners will be selected by the readers in the next article of Showtime!

Dont forget to vote, subscribe, endorse and comment. Its SHOWTIME!


Kame SenninPony of DarknessSINCARAPratinoPratinoPratinoYashar

댓글 (13)

New countries: Vatican, Vanuatu and Kazakhstan (Borat!)
V. Old s
Add Belice xd
V + S
Game go to death Smile
They game is dead
a new set of clothing with different bonus to make more money
Nothings changed and 15 more people will have quit. Oh and still no discount period.
Forcem atenção dos admins o jogo está brutal, em vez de darem continuidade a este projeto mesmo com os seus alto e baixos continua com bastantes jogadores
Discount Reset of medals Creations of org
I think server would go off in that day